Compassionate Appointment Scheme Clarifications in respect of Relative Merit Points (RMP) and Procedure for selection 2023
Subject: Post Office (DOP) Scheme for compassionate appointment — Clarifications in respect of Relative Merit Points and Procedure for selection.
No.17-1/2022-SPG-II Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 Dated the 20th July, 2023
Please refer to this office letter No. 17-1/2022-SPG-II dated 23.03.2022 providing for Revised Relative Merit Points System and procedure (RMPS-2022) for compassionate appointments in the Department of Posts. RMPS-2022 are applicable w.e.f. 23.03.2022 and all the CRC meets on or after 23.03.2022 are following these guidelines. It has been brought to the notice of the Directorate that there are some confusions in Circles regarding guidelines issued regarding Rejection of case in Para 5 of letter dated 23.03.2022. In this is clarified as under:
(i) CRC shall reject a case/application in third time if the case is not recommended in third consideration depending upon RMP of the case. An incomplete case should not be considered by CRC. However, if an incomplete case considered by CRC in past, its consideration should not be counted for the purpose of counting of total 3 times considerations.
(ii) It is not necessary to consider a case 3 times continuously in a row in respect of past cases. However, if a fresh case is considered by CRC should be considered 3 times continuously after issue of RMPS-2022, in a row.
(iii) (a) Past applications/cases which were not categorically rejected by previous CRCs and not considered for a total of 3 times in previous CRCs should be considered till completion of 3 times considerations. CRC shall ‘Reject’ the case in third time if the case is not recommended in third consideration depending upon RMP of the case.
(b)In past, as per recommendations of CRC in some Circles, candidates have been listed out in minutes of CRC under categories viz. ‘Recommended’; ‘Not Recommended” and ‘Recommended for reconsideration by next CRC’ and no candidate has been listed out under ‘Rejected’ category. Circles have considered ‘Not Recommended’ candidates as ‘Rejected’ candidates and accordingly not considered them in CRC conducted after issue of RMPS-2022. In this regard, Circle is directed to prepare a list of such past candidates considered as ‘Deemed Rejected-I’ with the approval of Competent Authority i.e. Head of Circle. As such, past candidates should be considered for a total of 3 times by the CRC if they have not been listed out in ‘Deemed Rejected-I’ list.
(iv) Past applications/cases considered for a total of 3 times or more (whether or not considered for 3 times continuously in a row in past cases) in previous CRCs, should be considered deemed rejected. A list of such candidates under ‘Deemed Rejected-II’ category should be made with the approval of Competent Authority i.e. Head of Circle. After issue of RMPS-2022, these cases should not be placed before CRC even if past CRC has recommended to reconsider the case in next CRC. However, a case already considered for a total of 3 or more times in past and pending before the Court as on 23.03.2022 i.e. date of issue of RMPS-2022, it may be reconsidered as per directions of Court for one more time only.
2. Circles will circulate this to all offices under their administrative control for dealing with requests/applications seeking appointment on compassionate grounds.
3. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
(Hemant Kumar) Assistant Director General (SPG)
Copy to: The GM, CEPT- for uploading this letter on India Post website and for making above provisions in online portal of compassionate appointment.
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