CEPT Calling Willingness Notification for IT Project 2.0 Vancancy Positions | from Officers/Offcials possess technical knowledge
Download CEPT Willingness Notification for IT Project 2.0 in PDF
No. Tgy- 50/21/2023-Tech-DOP Department of Post(Technology Division) Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001 Dated 28.07.2023
1. CEPT is in the process of building the team for IT 2.0. Teams are required to gather the functional requirements, prepare SRS, engage with Consultants/ Development Team/Technical Teams, Build the Applications, Undertake testing of the Applications, Prepare the Training content, Schedule the Trainings, Prepare Roll out strategy & Roll out plan and implement the applications as per the timelines.
2. These activities require specific skills.The skill set, knowledge of the tools and applications required are detailed in Annexure- I and II. Accordingly, willingness is called for, from the officers/officials who possess the knowledge / skills for the positions of Tech Lead/Team Lead/Developers/Product Team. A total of 91 positions are under consideration for filling up through this Notification.
3. Application and Selection Process for CEPT:
a. Interested officials may register their willingness in the website at https://cept.gov.in/willingness/candidateform.aspx with effect from 31.07.2023
b. The last date and time to submit the details is 12.08.2023
4. Training for CEPT Selected Applicants
Training to the selected officials, to brush up their skills on the chosen technologies shall be provided through the Experts from Industry. Accordingly, officials who are having the technical background, development skills, who are having basic knowledge of the tools and those who have already worked in those technologies/tools are requested to apply.
5. Terms and Conditions for CEPT Recruitment:
Eligibility: The officers/officials (Group A STS/JTS, PS Group B, ASP/IP, AO/AAO, JA/SA, PA/SA/OA, MTS, GDS) as per the resource type and eligibility may apply. Location: CEPT is currently operating in Bengaluru, Mysuru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Patna. However, deserving cases who are involved in the application development, shall be considered for working from current working location, subject to availability of infrastructure to work.
6. Appointment & Posting in CEPT:
a. Officers/Officials selected should report in CEPT before 31st August 2023.
b. Officials/officers will be posted either on the establishment of CEPT or on attachment basis.
c. Officials posted on establishment will be drawn by CEPT at the rate applicable to unit of CEPT they have been posted. This is subject to availability of vacant posts.
d. Officials posted on attachment basis will draw the pay and allowances (including HRA and TA) from their parent units. However, a proposal is taken up with Directorate to declare the place of working in CEPT as the Headquarters to their duty for all purposes, as per SR 59 of FRSR Part II read with Appendix I.
7. To ensure widespread awareness and encourage suitable candidates to apply, it is requested to cause wide circulation among all the staff members.
Assistant Director (Tech-Governance) Copy to:
1. Sr PPS to Secretary Posts
2. Sr PPS to Director General Postal Services
3. All Members, Postal Services Board, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi.
4. All CGMs/Sr DDsG/GMs/DDsG in Postal Directorate.
5. All Chief Postmasters General/All GM(Finance)/Director (Accounts)
6. General Manger, CEPT, Bengaluru for publishing on India Post Website.
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