ASP Promotion List 2023 | Download IP (Inspector Post) To ASP (Assistant Superintendent of Post) DPC Promotion 2023 in PDF
No. X-06/4/2023-SPN-II( 2) Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi — 110 001 Dated: 19th July, 2023 ORDER
Download ASP Promotion List from Inspector Post (IP) DPC 2023 in PDF
After having been found ‘FIT by the Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) for promotion to the cadre of Assistant Superintendent of Posts (ASP) in Level — 8 of pay matrix (Rs. 47,600 - 1,51,100/-) against vacancy year 2023, approval of the competent authority are hereby conveyed for allotment of Postal Circle as mentioned against each :-
2. The above allotments have been approved by the competent authority in accordance with Department’s letter no. X-7/15/2021-SPN-II dated 03.07.2023. Chief Postmaster General of - Circle to which the officials are allotted shall issue promotion and posting order in respect of officials allotted to their Circle.
3. Promotion of Officials at sl. No. 223 is subject verification of caste certificate by concerned authority. Officials shall be relieved 10 join the promotional post only after verification of caste certificate.
4. General conditions:-
(i) The promotion will be effective from the date of assumption of charge of the post of Assistant Superintendent of Posts
(ii) Request for re-allotment to any other Circle / Unit shall not be entertained under any circumstances. Therefore, Circles should refrain themselves from making such recommendation.
(iii) It is the officer's responsibility to send a copy of charge report on assumption of charge of the post of Assistant Superintendent of Posts issued vide this order to the Assistant Director (SPN-II) through eMail at adspn.dte( for information and record.
(iv) Officer will be relieved within 15 days from the date of issue of this order subject to the condition mentioned in para 5 below. In case, posting order from allotted Circle is not received, the relieving Circle shall relieve the promoted officer to report to Circle headquarters of allotted Circle.
(v) Incase of officer(s), who is not willing to accept his/ her promotion, his /her declination letter in “writing shall be forwarded by the Circle Office to the Directorate only through eMail at Non-assumption of charge after 30 days shall be treated as ‘deemed declination’ of promotion offer by the official, which shall be subject to relevant prevailing instructions.
(vi) Circle shall send a consolidated report on date of relieving and date of joining in respect of all the officials to Directorate latest by 21.08.2023 only through eMail at in.
5.1 The promotion of the official should be withheld in case the official is under suspension or a charge-sheet has been issued to the official or prosecution of criminal charge is pending against the official as per DoPT OM No. 22011/4/91-Estt(A) dated 14.09.1992. Such cases shall be treated as in ‘Deemed Sealed Cover’ and in all such cases, the official should not be relieved for promotion. However, promotion of the official shall not be withheld merely on the ground that disciplinary action is being contemplated. List of ‘Deemed Sealed Cover’ Cases to be shared with the Directorate immediately. )
5.2 The officer against whom any punishment is current except ‘Censure’ shall not be promoted before expiry of currency of punishment in terms of DoPT OM No. 22034/5/2004- Estt.(D) dated 15.12.2004.
6. Since Jarnial Singh batch of cases is pending in the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, promotion of above officials shall be subject to further orders that may be passed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in said batch of cases as envisaged in para — 5 of DoPT OM No. 36012/16/2019-Estt.(Res) dated 12.04.2022. Circles / Units shall ensure to include this fact in respective promotion and posting orders. This shall also be subject to outcome of following Court cases :-
(i) O.A. No. 296/2019 filed by Manish Kumar Srivastava &Ors. Vs. UOIl in Principal Bench, Hon'ble CAT, Delhi against the Final All India Combined Seniority List of Inspector Posts for the years 2001/2002,
(ii) O.A. No. 180/985/2018 titled G. Jayasree Vs UOI inErnakulam Bench of Hon’bie CAT [now taggedwith O.A. 2896/2019, CAT, PB. New Delhi]
(iii) Any other litigation pending at competent court as on date, against Seniority List of IP cadre
7. In terms of DPC guidelines, promotions are effective from a prospective date only and no fixation of pay from a date prior to the date of actual promotion shall be allowed. The officers wishing to give option for choosing date for fixation of pay under FR22(I)(a)(1) shall do so within one month from date of assumption of charge on promotion. :
8. Hindi version will follow.
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