Review of recruitment rules (RR) of Postman, Mail Guard and MTS - FNPO Suggestions to Postal Department (DOP)
Sub-Review of recruitment rules of Postman, Mail Guard and M.T.S-reg Ref:- Draftrecruitment rules notification dated 15.11.2022
FEDERATION OF NATIONAL POSTAL ORGANISATIONS (FNPO) (Central HeadQuarters) T-24. Atul Grove Road, New Delh-110001 dated 06.06.2023 No. PM,MG&MTS/Recruitment Rules/2023. To The Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
With reference to the above draft recruitment rules (Postman, Mail Guard &MTS) notification my Federation proposes the following suggestion for consideration.
1. Sri Kamalesh Chandra Committee had recommended in para 15.17 of its report that" One year minimum qualifying service should be prescribed for GDS to appear for Postman, Mail Guard and MTS examination." In the previous examination also in some circles there are many vacancies unable to filled up due to non availability of eligible GDS officials. Hence 1 year service condition may please be considered for appearing Postman, Mail Guard and MTS examination.
2. With regards to recruitment to Postman cadre, existing 50% quota on the basis of competitive examination limited to GDS may be retained as 50% and remaining 25% quota may be filled through LDCE from MTS. It may be observed that 99% of the senior MTS are unwilling for promotion to Postman from MTS under 25% seniority quota and the vacancies are lyingunfilled.
3. GDS to MTS thru LDCE 50% Quota may be allotted. With regard to 25% Casual Labour Quota the decision of considering the Part Time Casual Labour joined before 1993 may be reviewed keeping in view of Court Judgements in this regard and as the appointment of Casual Labour was restricted from the year 2010 only. Hence the Part time Casual Labour working before 2010 may be considered for quota under Casual Labour 25% Quota from GDS to MTS on Seniority may be continued.
4. Common examination for promotion to Postman, Mail Guard and MTS should be conducted circle level instead of divisional level to safeguard the natural justice in case of meritorious GDS officials who performed well in the competitive exam but could not taste the fruits of success as there might not be posts/less number of post in their division.
5. With regard to MTS CO/RO all the Vacancies to be allotted for GDS Only. The proposal of allotment of Quota to Open Market in respect of MTS of RO/CO to be withdrawn.
6. In view of the latest scenario where multi-faceted work is being extracted from MTS whiz data entry in DPMS, Scanning of accountable articles etc. It is opined that it will be not feasible for GDS who are aged over 50 Years. At present there is no upper age limit for GDS for promotion to MTS under seniority quota which may be modified as 50 years.
Yours sincerely, (SIVAJI VASIREDDY) Secretary General
Copy to: 1. The DDG (P), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 for information and with a request to take necessary action.
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