PA SA Vacancy 2022 & 2023 in SSC CGL is 22461 Posts | PA/SA Vacancy 2022 & 2023 in SSC CGL Direct Recruitment
Subject:- Direct Recruitment of Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant. with a view to fill up the PA/SA vacancies earmarked for direct recruitment for 2022 & 2023 vacancy years is 22461 Posts and unfilled DR vacancies of previous years, SSC was requested to recommend additional candidates so that maximum number of posts is filled up.
Download PA SA Vacancy for the yesr 2022 & 2023 in SSC CGL in PDF
F.No.W-18/2/2022-SPN-I Government of India Ministry of communications Department of Posts Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001 June 23, 2023
To, Heads of All Postal Circles,Madam / Sir,
Government has decided to fill vacant posts on a Mission Mode approach. However, it is observed that on an average 60 % of the candidates recommended by Staff Selection Commission (SSC) actually joins as Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant (PA/SA). As a result, substantial numbers of PA/SA posts are continuously vacant. Accordingly, with a view to fill up the PA/SA vacancies earmarked for direct recruitment for 2022 & 2023 vacancy years and unfilled DR vacancies of previous years, SSC was requested to recommend additional candidates so that maximum number of posts is filled up. After taking into consideration the availability of vacancies and past joining trend, as provided by Circles, category- wise number of candidates to be allocated to Circles is given in the Annexure. Circles are requested to work out further distribution of the dossiers to Divisions for carrying out the pre-appointment formalities.
2. After completing the appointment process, if the number of candidates joined exceeds the available vacant posts, supernumerary posts may be created, which shall be till the time vacant post is available and information in the following format may be provided for onward submission to Department of Expenditure
3. It may be noted that requirement of supernumerary post shall be considered for the Circle as a whole and not Division-wise. Thus, if number of candidates joining a Circle is well within the sanctioned strength of the Circle but in some Division number of candidates joining is more than the available vacant posts, internal adjustments shall be done within the Circle so that there is no requirement of supernumerary post.
Yours faithfully, Encl: As stated (Satya Narayana Dash) Director (SPN)
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