NFU to IP ASPs (Grant of Non Functional Grade Pay ₹ 5400 to Assistant Superintendent of Posts) | Grant of NFG (₹ 5400) to IP ASPs - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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NFU to IP ASPs (Grant of Non Functional Grade Pay ₹ 5400 to Assistant Superintendent of Posts) | Grant of NFG (₹ 5400) to IP ASPs

Sub - Implementation of NFU (Non Functional Upgradation) to IP ASPs (Hon'ble CAT Hyderabad Bench Orders dated 02.12.2021 in OA No. 506/2021 - reg.)

Download Implementation of NFU (Non Functional Upgradation ₹ 5400) to IP ASPs in PDF

 2-2s /2019-PCC  l/74695/2o23 OM No. 2-25/20l9-PCC Government of lndia Ministry of Communications Department of Posts Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, NewDelhi-110001 Dated: 19.06.2023

All concerned are requested to refer to the order dated 02.12.2021 of Hon'ble CAT, Hyderabad Bench in OA No. 506/2021 and Orders dated 03.01.2023 of Hon'ble Telangana High Court in writ Petition No.43155/2022 regarding grant of non-functional Grade pay of Rs.5400/- in the PB of Rs.9300-34800, or Level-9 of the Pay Matrix on completion of four yours in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4800 of PB-2 or Level-8 of the Pay Matrix, as the case may be. Copies of the orders are attached herewith.

2. The Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance after examination of the matter, vide their ID Note No. 6(3)/E.III(B)/2018(Pt.II) dated 21.04.2021 has agreed to extend the aforesaid benefit to the applicants ol the OA No.506/2021, if they are otherwise eligible for the same.

3. Accordingly, it has been decided with the approval of the competent authority to implement the order dated 02.12.2021 of Hon'ble CAT Hyderabad Bench in OA No.506/2021 by extending the benefit to the eligible applicants in terms of clause 1(x)(e) of Ministry of Finance Resolution No. 1/1/2008 IC dated 29.08.2008. For the sake of clarity, the benefit is to be conferred on the 3 applicants and the eligible members ot the All lndia Association of lnspectors & Asstt. Supdt. of Posts (AIAIASP) as on 22.07,2021, i.e., the dale of filing the OA No. 50612021. For ascertaining the membership of the eligible applicants, the Circles/Units are requested to refer to Article-5, 37, 38, 41 & 42 ot the Constitution ol the AIAIASP.A copy of the Constitution of the AIAIASP is attached. The list of members who flulfill the above criteria be obtained from the Association for implementation.

4.  Telangana Circle is requested to file a compliance affidavit before the Hon'ble CAT Hyderabad Bench in consultation with Government Counsel/Dsc in CP (No.46/2022) and ensure the interest of the Government of lndia.

5. A compliance report may be furnished forthwith by all concerned Circles/Units. ln case of no eligible applicant in any of the Circles/Units, a Nil Report may be furnished

Encl :

i) Order dated 02.12.2021 ot Hon'ble CAT, Hyderabad Bench in OA No.506/2021

ii) order dated 03.01.2023 ol Hon'ble Telangana High court in writ Petition No.43155/2022

iii) Copy of the Constitution of AIAIASP

Copy to:

1. All Chief Postmasters General 2. CGM, Parcel Directorate / PLI Directorate / BD Directorate. 3. Director, RAKNPA / GM, CEPT / Dkectors of All PTcs 4. Addl. Director General, Army Postal Service, R.K.Puram, Nsw Delhi 5. Deputy Director General (Personnel), Dak Bhawan. 6. All lndia IP&ASP Association. 7. Guard file / Spare copies.

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