Merger of Sorting Assistant (SA) and PA (CO/RO) with PA (PO) Postal Assistant Post Office
Subject: Regarding proposal for merger of Sorting Assistant (SA) and PA (CO/RO) with PA (PO).
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No. Q-25/1l/2022-PE-I-DOP Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (PE-I Section) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001 Dated: 20th June,2023
As you are aware that the proposal for merger of different cadres of Postal Assistant/Soring Assistant is under examination in this Directorate and orders for merger of PA (SBCO) and PA (FPO) with PA (PO) were issued vide this office letter of even number dated 16.11.2022 along with the detailed modalities for the merger.
2. Now draft modalities for merger of Sorting Assistant and PA (CO/RO) with PA (PO) have been prepared in consultation with the Personnel Division with a view to have views/comments/suggestions of all stakeholders on the issue. Therefore, it is requested to furnish your views/comments/suggestions, in the following proforma, on the modalities enclosed as Annexure - A & B:
1. Merger of Sorting Assistant with PA (PO)
1. Views/comments/suggestions of the Circle with regard to merger of Sortins Assistant with PA (PO)
2. Whether the Circle favours the merger of SA with PA (PO)
2. Mereer of PA (CO/RO) with PA (PO)
1. Views/comments/suggestions of the Circle with regard to merger of PA (CO/RO) with PA (PO)
2. Whether the Circle favours the merger of PA (CO/RO) with PA(Po)
3. The views/comments/suesestions may be furnished by, 30.06.2023 and must have the specific approval of the HoC. If no response is received within this, period, it shall be presumed that there are no views/comments/suggestions to offer on the issue.
Yours faithfully,
(R. N. Bharti) Director (Estt.) Tele: 011- 2304 4867 Email: adgesttl@indiapost. Copy for necessary action:
(i) All DDsG, Postal Directorate.
(ii) Secretary General, Federation of National Postal Orgn. (FNPO), T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi - 110001.
(iii) Secretary General, Bhartiya Postal Employees Federation (BPEF), T-21, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi - 110001.
(iv) General Secretary, All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Group 'C', l7/4'C, P & T Colony, Kali Bari Marg, New Delhi - 110001
(v) General Secretary, National Union of RMS & MMS Employees Group'C', CH-17-1-18, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi - 110001.
(vi) General Secretary, AII India Postal Administrative Offices Employees'Union Group'C' &'D', 30/3-D, P&T Quarter, Kali Badi Marg, New Delhi' 110001.
Annexure 'A to Letter No. Q-25/11/2022-PE-I-DOP dated 20.06.2023
Draft Modalities for mereer of Sortine Assistant (SA) cadre:
a) No further appointment shall be made in SA cadre w.e.f............2023.
b) Existing incumbents of SA cadre shall continue to be in SA cadre till they are promoted to next higher grade in RMS cadre or cease to be in service.
c) Existing incumbents of SA cadre may make a request in writing to switch over to Postal Assistant (Post Office) [PA (PO)] cadre and such requests shall be received till ..........The designation of the officials of SA cadre, who shall submit request to switch over to PA (PO) cadre, before the prescribed date, shall be changed / converted to PA (PO). However, even after switching over to PA (PO) cadre, such an official shall continue to be on the strength of his/her parent RMS Division/Unit, if not allotted to any other Division / Unit.
d) Existing incumbents of SA Cadre, while making request to switch over to PA (PO) cadre as above, shall be allowed to submit preference for not more than five (5) Postal Division / Unit of their parent Circle and they shall be allowed to join such Postal Division / Unit subject to availability of vacancy. However, those offrcials to whom no other Postal Division / Unit is allotted due to non-availability of vacancy, will continue to be on the strength of their parent RMS unit as PA (PO).
e) Such officials of SA cadre who switch over to PA (PO) cadre shall be placed en bloc below all those offrcials of PA (PO)'s gradation list of the Circle as on ....................Inter se seniority of those officials of SA cadre, who chose to switch over to PA (PO) cadre, shall be the same as was in SA cadre [Explanation: If A, B and C were holding the posts of SAs and placed at S.No. 5, 15 and 27 of SA seniority list, then after their switch over to PA(PO) cadre, they will be placed in the same order i.e. A will be senior to B and B will be senior to C.]
f) Officials of SA cadre who choose to switch over to PA (PO) cadre shall not be allowed to revert back to SA Cadre. Their further promotion shall be in the hierarchy in Postal Operative Side and after promotion to next higher grades of LSG, HSG etc., they will be posted in Postal Division / Unit.
g) Existing officials of SA cadre, who choose to continue in SA cadre, will only be considered for promotion in the existing hierarchy in RMS supervisory cadre, as per availability of posts.
h) All existins vacant posts of SA cadre as on the crucial date, i.e. .................... and the posts held by the officials. who are allowed to switch over to PA (PO) cadre. shall be converted to PA (PO). For example, if in an RMS Division / Unit, the sanctioned strength of SA cadre is 100, of which 30 posts are vacant and 10 officials opt for PA (PO) cadre, then these 40 posts (30 vacant posts + 10 posts of switch over) will be converted to PA (PO). However, the sanctioned strength of officials [Sa + PA(PO)] in such RMS Division / Unit will continue to be 100.
i) Posts that shall be vacated in future, in SA cadre, due to retirement / promotion etc., shall also be converted to PA (PO) and ultimately entire strength of SA cadre would be converted to PA (PO) cadre in due course. However, sanctioned establishment (number of sanctioned posts) of RMS Unit, as decided from time to time, will continue to remain the same for the purpose of posting of officials.
j) Record of number of posts converted to PA (PO), in the manner as mentioned above, must be maintained separately in the establishment register of the concerned RMS Division/Unit.
k) Existing incumbents of SA cadre who are allowed to switch over to PA (PO) cadre shall be etigible for both Inter-Circle and Intra-Circle transfer under Rule-38 of Postal Manual-IVonly in PA (PO) cadre, whether in Postal Division / Unit or RMS Division / Unit.
Annexure -B to Letter No. Q-25/11/2022-PE I-DOP dated 20.06.2023
Draft modalities for unification of Postal Assistant (CO/RO) cadre
a) No further appointment shall be made in PA (CO/RO) cadre w.e.f...............
b) Existing incumbents of PA (CO/RO) cadre shall continue to be in PA (CO/RO) cadre till they are promoted to next higher grade in CO/RO cadre or cease to be in service.
c) Existing incumbents of PA (CO/RO) cadre shall be eligible for both Inter-Circle and Intra-Circle transfer under Rule-38 of Postal Manual-IV to PA (PO) cadre in Postal Division / RMS Division. However, incumbents in other cadres of PA, namely, PA (PO), PA (FPO) and PA (SBCO), or SA shall not be eligible for transfer to PA (CO/RO) cadre under Rule-38 of Postal ManuaI-IV.
d) To ensure that there is no large-scale dislocation of officials, feeder Division(s) for an Administrative Office (CO/RO) would be the local Postal Division where the Administrative Office (CO/RO) is geographically located. All existing vacant posts of PA(CO/RO) cadre, as on the crucial date, i.e......... shall be added to the strength of the respective Postal Division where the Administrative Offices (CO/RO) are located and such Postal Division (s) shall be the feeder Division for posting manpower to CO/RO against these posts. For example, if in a CO the sanctioned strength of PA(CO) cadre is 100, and 30 posts are vacant, then these 30 vacant posts will be added to the strength of the Postal Division for making recruitment and posting of officials. However, for providing manpower, sanctioned strength of that CO will continue to be 100.
e) Posts that shall be vacated in future, in PA (CO/RO) cadre, due to retirement/promotion etc., shall also be added to Postal Division (s) in the above manner and ultimately entire strength of PA (CO/RO) cadre would be added to strength of Postal Divisions in due course. However, sanctioned establishment (number of sanctioned posts) of CO/RO, as decided from time to time, will continue to remain the same for the purpose of posting ofofficials.
f) Record of the number of posts added, in the manner as mentioned above, must be maintained separately in the establishment register of the concerned CO/RO as well as concerned Postal Division.
g) Posting of PA from Postal Division to CO/RO will be done from Postal Divisions on tenure basis through appropriate Transfer and Placement Committee (TPC) of the Division. However, there will be cooling off period of three (03) years between two tenures of posting in CO/RO. For posting of PA from Postal Division to CO/RO, the TPC wiII be headed by DPS (HQ) / DPS. AD/APMG of concerned CO/RO and concerned Divisional Head will be members of the TPC. (In CO/BO where the post of DPS (HQ)/DPS is vacant, Head of the Circle may suitably modify the composition of the TPC.)
h) White posting officials in CO/RO, the TPC will ensure that the official is well conversant with office procedures, noting, drafting etc. If required, in-house training may be imparted to the official so posted in CO/RO. Preferably an official who has worked for a minimum period of three (3) years in a Division Office should be considered for posting in CO/RO. To ensure that a large pool of officials is available for posting in CO/RO, as far as possible maximum number of officials should be given opportunity to work in Division Office.
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