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Long pending problems/issues faced by the postal Staff (GDS employees) in Post Offices

Sub: Long pending problems faced by the postal network in the Tamil Nadu & Other Circles.

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Tele-Fax:23697701 ALL INDIA GRAMIN DAK SEVAKS UNION (AIGDSU) Central Head Quarters, Padam nagar, Delhi-110007. President: P.H. Jaswal, General Secretary: S.S.Mehadevaiah

Ref. No. GDS/CHQ/20/4/2023 Date 23-06-2023

To, The Director General, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan New Delhi 110001

We are writing this letter to bring to your attention the long-pending problems faced by the postal network in the Tamil Nadu & Other Circles. Despite several representations made in the past, the issues still remain with no visible solutions. The following are some of the major concerns that need immediate attention

1. We request the administration at all levels to immediately stop harassment of GDS employees by way of ging unbearable target torture in the field of IPPB,MSSC,PLL RPLI ,SB,RD, etc etc and also in day to day new schemes of Department disproportionate to the quality of infrastructure provided in the rural BO's

2. It was resolved to request the administration to make necessary arrangements for paying the maturity value of the RD,PLI RPLI etc etcat the respective BOs only, disbanding the existing practice of payment at sub offices only as it would go a long way to increase the work load of BOs in rural areas.

3. The GDS employees are thrusted upon their head with introduction of various new types of work as like in multifarious grocery business stalls, on the basis of meagre commission and incentive payments without providing sufficient time factors for such new types of work performed by the GDS employees, Thisleads to cheapest exploitation of GDS labour by putting them to suffer a lot in the hands of the Department. It was therefore resolved to request for evolving suitable time factors for all such nw items of various work being performed in the BOs, instead of the existing commission/incentive systems in order to up lift the GDS employees by way of increasing their standard of living of GDS in the Department.

4. Due to introduction of several new phenomenon in BOs, the consumption of electricity in functioning the mechanical instruments available at BOs has been considerably increased where as , the EB authorities are taxing the BOs for paying electricity charges at the commercial tariff and this has caused financial hardship to GDS employees working in BOs. It is therefore unanimously resolved to request the administration to cause payment of electricity charges for BOs calculating at the domestic tariff only without treating the Branch post offices as like factories.

5. In the absence of any specific orders of the Department , several authorities in the Division levels have ordered for recovering the annual premium for about 5 long years in one lump sum instead of every year. Due to this, huge amount of Rs.10,000/-was recovered as one time payment of prema from the GDS employees to cover the entire period of 5 years . In such scenario , the department ordered to disband the procedure of furnishing security bonds by GDS employees in November 2021 and it was ordered not to make any recovery of prema from GDS. It was clearly instructed to refund the excess premium to the concerned GDS, if already recovered or paid. 

This position was reviewed in the circle council meeting and it was unanimously resolved to request the administration to cause necessary recovery of the excess premia amount already remitted to the societies, from the lower authorities concerned who ordered to recover the premia for 5 years from GDS at one time measure against the orders of the Department , so that it can be refunded to the GDS concemed proportionately. Since it involves huge money the proportionate refund of the premia shall be helpful to them financially as the GDS are deserving for the same

6. Ever since the GDS vacancies are filled up through online process , the select list candidates is drawn up on the basis of top score marks and accordingly, the merit listed candidates belonging to various out stations are appointed as GDS against the vacancies some where outside their native or parental places. Even though those newly recruited GDS employees are taking their residence at their working place, the Divisional authorities are teasing those GDS employees alleging that they are not residing in the base village by showing the penal provisions of Rule 3A of GDS (conduct and engagement) Rules 2020 and the authorities are unnecessarily threatening the GDS by issuing show cause notice, charge sheets etc under Rule 10A and 10B of GDS rules. This vindictive approach of such authorities in division like Tirupur, Madurai Divisions etc is quite against to the welfare of GDS employees Since , some times it may not be possible for them to avoid visiting of their family members who are permanently residing in their distant native places, at times of urgent needs . 

It is pertinent to mention here that those authorities who are threatening the GDS in the above said manner , use to be absent continuously at their workplace very frequently and no cognizance is being taken of them for their unauthorized absence at their Head quarters Therefore the Circle Council unanimously resolved to take serious exception of this situationand hence it was  resolved to request the Department for scrapping the penal provisions of Rule 3A of GDS rules in the interest of safe guarding GDS welfare.

7. The GDS substitutes working in stopgap arrangements against the GDS vacancies are not being paid with their TRCA in time every month and this is causing unbearable financial crisis for those GDS substitutes in running family life smoothly. The Divisional authorities are not showing any coutesy on this score. It was therefore unanimously resolved by the circle council meeting to demand for uninterrupted regular payment of wages to the GDS substitutes for every month before end of first week of subsequent month so as to make case of their survival in those hard days on the earth.

8. The GDS employees are much compelled to make use of their own smart phones for the prpose of giving access to the private social media like facebook twitter etc in doing postal operations This practice may cause insecurity to the personal privacy of the GDS employees which is greatly afraid. This dangerous situation was given an elaborate discussion in the circle council meeting and it was unanimously resolved to equest the Department for immediately withdraw such dangerous instructions by supplying separate smart phones to GDS employees at the cost of Department for meeting out the ambitions of private agencies and leave the GDS employees towards breathing a shy of relief

9. According to rules of the Department against a short term vacancy not exceeding one month seniority of GDS employees shall be followed for making officiating arrangements against the vacant departmental post and when the vacancy exceeds for more than a month , divisional seniority alone shall be considered for making officiating arrangements. This is not followed in the subordinate units of SRO/HRO in RMS MA Division and RMS CB Division. 

Even long term vacancies are allowed to be manned through officiating arrangements from among the Junior GDS officials available only in the local unit seniority list as against Divisional seniority. We would like to request your intervention in resolving the issues faced by the Tamil Nadu Circle's GDS We urge you to take swift action towards addressing these problems and ensure the smooth functioning of postal services in the circle. We hope that with your assistance, we will be able to resolve the long-pending problems that the Tamil Nadu Circle is facing.

With regards, Yours Sincerely, S.S.MAHADEVATAH General Secretary

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