Local Language Provision for Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) Posts Engagement (Selection) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Local Language Provision for Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) Posts Engagement (Selection)

Subject: - Provision of Local Language for engagement to Gramin Dak Sevak Posts-reg.

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URGENT TIME BOUND No.17-11/2019-GDS Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (GDS Section) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110 001 Dated: 01.06.2023

The knowledge of local language is a pre-requisite qualification for engagement to GDS Post based on official languages. Accordingly, the local languages for the purpose of GDS engagement were decided in consultation with Heads of Circles and the list thereof was circulated to Circles vide OM of even number dated 25.03.2021 and corrigendum dated 20.07.2021.

2 In this context, several references/suggestions from Unions, VIPs, Linguistic Minority Commission have been received in this Directorate to include some more local languages for the purpose. After issue of the list by Directorate, some States/UT have also included more languages as official languages of the State/UT. Therefore, a need is being felt to review the existing list of local languages for the purpose of engagement of GDS. Accordingly, a list of local languages and the official languages, as declared by the State has been complied for review by the Circles.

I am directed to request you to refer to the list enclosed and to suggest addition of any other language(s) in the existing list of local languages, if any, with justification along with the copy of Gazette notification of the State/UT in this respect Further, it has been proposed to revise the list before finalising the engagement of GDS being carried out in the Special Cycle itself, hence it is requested that the suggestions be forwarded in the format as attached herewith carrying the approval of CPMG by 07.06.2023 positively. In case of non-receipt of any suggestion, it would be presumed that no change in the existing language for that circle needed and final decision will be taken by Competent Authority

(Ravi Pahwa) Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC) Tel. No. 011-23096629 Email: - adggds426@gmail.com Encl: - As above

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