Introduction of CBS KYC updation report in CEPT MIS Dashboard - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Introduction of CBS KYC updation report in CEPT MIS Dashboard

Subiect- Regarding introduction of KYC updation report in CEPT MIS Dashboard.

Download introduction of KYC updation report in CEPT MIS Dashboard in PDF

No. 25-A 2U 2-FS-C BS.-Part (1 ) Government of lndia Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (Financial Services Division) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-1 10001 , Dated: 14.06.2023 To All Head of Circles

A new report on CEPT MIS portal reflecting Circle/Region/Division/SOL wise number of ClFs created with respect to KYC updation (i.e. Specimen Signature / Photograph update) and number of CIFs updated at CPC has been provided.

2. This report for KYC (Specimen Signature / Photograph) updation has been introduced in CEPT MIS portal under CBS -"CIF Updation report"- "Monthly report on CIF updation and the report may be accessed from the url: The following columns are available in the above report: -

Active CIF

Total  - TotalAclive ClFs in  That particular Circle/Region/Division/HO/SOL (ClFs which are not suspended/deceased/linked to at least one active Account)

Opened for the Month  - Count of ClFs which are opend during the month and linked to al least one account


Not updated (Total)- Count of ClFs which are not suspended and linked to at least one live account which is not closed.

Updated (Selected Month)- Count of ClFs where Photo / Signature have been uploadedm by CPC

3. A report on CIF updation as on May-2023 is enclosed herewith for kind reference. Therefore, Circles are requested toclear the CIF Updation pendency within a month and ensure Photo/Signature updation in Finacle System. Circles may utilised the above report for monitoring the performance of CPC. This may kindly be circulated to all Post Offices.

4. This issues with the approval ol the Competent Authority

Encl. As above

( Devender Kumar Sharm) Assistant Director (SB-II)

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