Implementation of Social Security Scheme Under Direct Benefit Scheme (DBT) in Post Office
Government of Karnataka Directorate of Social Security & Pensions, Revenue Department 5th Floor, Kandaya Bhawana, K.G.Road, Bengaluru 560009 Telephone: 080-22232040 / 22232012, E-mail: dssp2008@gmail.comn No.RD/02 /DSP/2023 Date02/06/2023
The Chief Post Master General, Karnataka Circle, Ambedkar veedhi, Bengaluru-560001.
Subject: Implementation of Social Security Scheme Under Direct Benefit Scheme.
Ref: 1) Secretary, MoRD,New Delhi, D.O letter No:J- 11011/4/2015-NSAP Date-19.05.2016
2) Finance Dept., GoK letter No: FD.539 Exp-7/2023 Date- 25.05.2023 The Diectorate of Social Security and Pensions, Revenue Department is implementing Old Age Pension, Destitute Widow Pension, Physically Handicapped Pension, Sandya Suraksha Scheme, Manaswini, Mythri, Pensions to Acid Victims and Farmer Widow Pension Schemes which aims at providing the financial assistance to vulnerable sections in Society. As per the instructions received from GOI & FD Karnataka, Ref. (1) &
(2),Directorate is implementing Aadhar based Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) from June 2023 stage by stage.The Directorate has already initiated preliminary work of NPCI validation and mapping of Aadhar numbers with NPCI platform.
As discussed in the earlier meeting with your department officers held on 24/05/2023 at Directorate of Social Security and Pensions, list of ‘NPCI not seeded cases, prior to 2016 and Suspended Aadhar cases to be cleared have been shared. We request you to take further necessary action. We also have issued instructions to District / Taluk level officers to co-ordinate with your department to accomplish this process as early as possible.
Yours faithfully Social Security & Pensions, Revenue Department
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