GDS Online Engagement (Recruitment) Schedule II July 2023 - preparatory exercise
Subject: GDS (Gramin Dak Sevaks( Online Engagement, Schedule- II, (July), 2023- preparatory exercise-reg.
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NO:-17-67/2023-GDS Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (GDS Section) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg. New Delhi-110 001 Dated: 23.06.2023
1. All Chief Postmasters General 2. General Manager, CEPT Bengaluru/Unit at Hyderabad
As it is aware that the GDS vacancies are notified through GDS online portal on a half yearly basis, to carry out the preparatory exercise for the Online Engagement of GDS, Schedule- II, (July), 2023 (Schedule-II) following guidelines are issued.
2. The Circles and CEPT are required to complete calculation of vacancies and configuration of the new boards, if any, latest by 17.07.2023 for notification of vacancies under Schedule-II, July, 2023. For the purpose of calculation, the following vacancies would be included/excluded by the Circles:
(i) To be Included:
(a) Vacancies arising between 01.01.2023 to 30.06.2023 due to Death, resignation, transfers, discharge including voluntary discharge, termination/removal/dismissal on disciplinary grounds, promotion, long-term deputation to IPPB & APS etc.
(b) Unfilled vacancies of Schedule-I upto 15.07.2023 (i.e. rejected in 5th list by VA, not turn up to VA in 5th list)
(ii) To be excluded:
(a) Vacancies in Pipeline. For this purpose, candidates shortlisted in List-5 (Supplementary List-IV) whose 1st Stage Verification by the VA has been successfully completed and candidates shortlisted in List-4 (Supplementary List-III), who have reported to Engaging Authorities, would be treated in "Pipeline".
(b) Posts declared surplus or proposal for declaring surplus already submitted.
(c) Vacancies caused due to the death of the GDS and a period of six months from the date of death of the GDS have not been elapsed.
3. The above exercise has a bearing on the Mission Recruitment; therefore, the Circles are needed to adhere to the strict timelines kept for completing the preparatory exercise. On completion of the preparatory work, a very short window of three to four days would be provided for updating and freezing the vacancies in the portal. Therefore, the correctness of the vacancies may be ensured in advance.
This issues with the approval of DGPS. Yours faithfully, (Ravi Pahwa) Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC) Tel. No. 011-23096629
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