Extension of Transaction hours (Business Hours) in Departmental Post Offices (DOP)
Subject: Extension of transaction hours in Departmental Post Offices (DOP) in Karnataka Postal Circle -reg Reference : Fresh
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There is a general feedback from the public that Post Office counters are closed when customers need to transact. Closing financial transactions early is understandable as there are other modes of transaction like ATM, Online and digital. But imagine the plight of student who comes at 3.30 PM to dispatch a parcel or a farmer who comes at 4 PM to pay electricity bill. Should they be sent back because the transaction hours are over? It is common knowledge that couriers are active beyond the closing hours of the Post Office counters.
With an intent of improving the quality of service and to maximize business opportunities, the following instructions are issued in respect of Departmental Post Offices for an initial period of 6 months , with effect from 1st July 2023:
1) Transactions listed in Annexure-I to be offered till 30 minutes before close of the Post Office
2) There is no need to change the dispatch timings. Articles booked after dispatch to be marked for next day dispatch under clear intimation to the customers ie. “ dispatch delay intimated” by affixing rubber stamp on the articles and receipts.
3) Accounting instructions:- SOP for accounting of the amount collected is enclosed as Annexure-II for information and needful action.
Wide publicity may be given, regarding the extension of transaction hours Action taken report to be submitted by 10.07.2023. Divisions may also be encouraged to operate a few Post Offices with extended working hours till 8 PM, if there is Justification.
A review of the working of this system may be carried in the first week of August 2023 and a report may be sent to Circle Office,
This has the approval of Chief Postmaster General.
Encl: Annexure-I
(T Rama Sudhakara Rao) Assistant Director(PO) O/o CPMG Bengaluru 560 001
Copy for information to:
1. The General Manager (PA&F), Karnataka Circle Bengaluru-560001 2. All Postal Unions 3. All sections in Circle Office
A. List of non cash transactions which the customers can avail, till closure of Post Offices:
1. References & Enquires
2. Creation / Modification / Merger of CIF of Account holders.
3. Service requests such as fresh nomination, change of nomination, change of address, conversion of minor accounts to major, transfer of accounts etc.4. Balance enquiry, providing a print copy of annual SB interest 55. statement/certificate, Passbook statement copy, Passbook entry.
5. Issue of ATM cards, cheque books.
6. Revival of silent accounts and unfreezing the accounts if found in freezed mode(as per the reasons for freezing).
7. Marking/ revoking stop payment of cheque.
8. Provision for automatic transfer of MIS, SCSS, TD and RD interest to SB accounts as per standing instructions given by customers.
9. Extension of RD/ TD/ SCSS/PPF accounts.
10. Providing ATM/ Internet/ e-banking / mobile banking and related services to Account holders.
11. Issue of Duplicate Passbooks in lieu of lost passbooks.
12. Death claim requests and crediting claim proceeds to POSB/ ECS.
13. Account Closure and information of credit of closure proceeds to POSB Accounts / ECS.
14. Updating PAN/ Mobile number, Aadhaar number and address of Account holders.
15. Submission of Form 15 H/ 15 G for non deduction of TDS in r/o SCSS Accounts.
16. Linking of POSB Accounts with IPPB Accounts.
17. Pledging of NSC/ KVP/ TD as security.
B. List of transactions to be offered after normal business hours, till 30 minutes before closure of Post Office:
1. Booking of accountable articles and eMOs.
2. Issue of IPOs
3. ePayment/ bill collections
4. Aadhaar and CSC transactions
5. PLI, RPLI, Philatelic Deposit Account transactions.
6. Sale of Postage stamps & stationery.
T. Rama Sudhakara Rao
Assistant Director (Est. & Rectt) O/o. The Chief Postmaster General/Karnataka Circle, / Bengaluru-560 001
Department of Posts
Office of the Chief Postmaster-General, Karnataka Circle, Bengaluru - 560 001.
To The Postmaster General, North Karnataka Region/ South Karnataka Region/Bengaluru HQ Region, Dharwad- 580 001/Bengalury - 560 001.
No. TAOS/2-2/CMC/16-17/Part (1) dated at Bengaluru the, 28.02.2023
Sub Implementation of Late booking facility at Counters - req.
This is regarding implementation of late booking facility as counters. Item No. 2 of CMC meeting minutes held on 15.12.2022 & 16.12.2022 is reproduced below.
“Late booking facility may be implemented at all counters with information ‘dispatch delay intimated’ to be impressed by rubber stamp on articles and receipts. SOP for handling over the amount collected after EOD may be prepared and circulated”
in this regard, the SOP for accounting of the amount collected is enclosed. This is for yqur information and needful action.
Signed by Sudhakar G Copy to: 1. APMG (BD & Mails), O/o CPMG, Bengaluru -560 001.
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