Revision of Date of joining and preponement of financial upgradation and MACP-I in respect of PAs(Postal Assistants) induction training period at PTC, Madhurai
Subject: Subject: Revision of Date of joining and preponement of financial upgradation and MACP-I in respect of PAs (CO/RO)O/o CPMG Hyderabad taking into account the induction training period at PTC, Madhurai from 29.03.2010 to 15.05.2010 - regarding.
Download Postal Assistants (PA) Revision of date of joining in PDF
No.44-2/2011-SPN-II Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (SPN-II Section) Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg New Delhi -110001, Dated the 24-April, 2023
I am directed to refer to Telangana Circle's letter No. Accts/CO/Service/2021 dated 28.03.2023 on the above-mentioned subject.
2. DOPT OM No. 16/16/89-Estt(Pay-I) dated 22.10.1990 provides that In cases where a person has been selected for regular appointment and before formally taking over charge of the post for which selected the person is required to undergo training, training period undergone by such a Govt. servant whether on remuneration of stipend or otherwise may be treated as duty for the purpose of drawing increments.
3. In view of the above OM, training period undertaken by person before taking charge of post formally for which they have selected, is to be counted for increment. For counting of this period for increment is tantamount that the date of appointment in government service is to be reckoned from the date of reporting for training. Further, training period is also to be counted for all purpose i.e. MACP, Promotion, Pension etc.
4. Circle is requested to take necessary action accordingly.
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