PTC Training DA Admissible Clarification | Clarification on DA admissible to employees in case of residential training programmes (PTC Training) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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PTC Training DA Admissible Clarification | Clarification on DA admissible to employees in case of residential training programmes (PTC Training)

Subject: Regarding clarification of DA admissible to employees in the case of residential Government sponsored training programmes. Full food bill per day is to be paid to the officials/officers undergoing training at Postal Training Centres (PTC), as per entitlement mentioned in table 2(E)(i) of Annexure-I of O.M. dated 13.07. 2017. The food bills in respect of officials/officers would be regulated depending on the length of absence from headquarters as per their entittement mentioned in Table (v) of 2(E) of O.M. dated 13.07.2017

Download PTC Training DA Admissible (Food Bill Reimbursement) Circular in PDF

No. 01-24/2017-Trg. Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (Training Division) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi — 110 001 Dated: 04.05.2023

Reference: Letter No. APA/131/TA/Misc/2022 dated 12.04.2023

With reference to the subject matter, it is informed that, as per provisions contained in para (e) of Annexure-I of Training Division letter No. 01-24/2017-Trg dated 09.11.2017, an amount upto a maximum of 80% of the rates approved on account of reimbursement of food bills is to be charged from the officials/officers undergoing training at Postal Training Centres/Rafi Ahmed Kidwai National Postal Academy, Ghaziabad. The remaining 20% or more of the said approved rate may be spent by the officials/officers themselves on incidentals.

2. Hence, full food bill per day is to be paid to the officials/officers, as per entitlement mentioned in table 2(E)(i) of Annexure-I of O.M. dated 13.07. 2017. The food bills in respect of officials/officers would be regulated depending on the length of absence from headquarters as per their entittement mentioned in Table (v) of 2(E) of O.M. dated 13.07.2017.

3 This has the approval of the competent authority.

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