PS Group B DPC Promotion 2023 | PS Gr.B LDCE Quota for the year 2021-23 in DPC quota for the Selection List Year 2023
PS Group B DPC(Departmental Promotion Committee) Promotion List 2023 is announced on 05th May 2023. Approval of the Competent Authority is hereby conveyed for promotion of following Inspector line officials in Postal Services Group ‘B’ cadre in Level-9 of Pay Matrix (Rs.53,100- 1,67,800/-) against vacancy year 2023, after having been found ‘fit’ by the Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) in its meeting held on 04.05.2023:
Download PS Group B DPC 2023 Promotion List in PDF
No. 9-10/2022-SPG-II Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (SPG-II Section) Dak Bhavan, New Delhi - 110001 Dated: 04th May, 2023 ORDER
2.1 It has been decided, purely for administrative reasons and with the approval of Competent Authority, to temporarily operate vacancies of PS Gr.B LDCE Quota for the year 2021-23 in DPC quota for the Select List Year 2023. These appointments in 2023 against the PS Gr.B LDCE vacancies are expected to be absorbed by December 2023.
2.2 The officers, who were in service on the crucial date i.e. as on 01.01.2023 for the purpose of considering the eligibility for promotion under reference but have since retired subsequently on superannuation or otherwise, have also been included in the Select List of PS Group ‘B’ officers in terms of DoPT’s OM No.22011/4/98-Estt.(D) dated 12.10.1988 to identify the correct zone of consideration for the relevant Select List. However, their appointment need not be confirmed since retired persons would not be available for actual promotion from a prospective date.
2.3 In addition to above select panel, an Extended Panel (attached at Annexure-I) has been prepared in lieu of those officials who are covered in the zone of consideration for the year 2023 but retired/retiring on superannuation/retired voluntarily etc. within the same year i.e. 2023, in terms of DoPT’s OM No.22011/ 18/87-Estt(D) dated 09.04.1996. The extended panel will be operated in due course.
2.4 Theabove allotment has been approved by the Competent Authority in accordance with this Department letter No.9-23/2014-SPG dated 25.02.2020. Further, postings on promotion in respect of officers, who are in service, shall be issued by the respective Circles.
3. The officers from Sl. Nos. 178 to 185, 187, 189-196, 230, 232-238 and 247-249 mentioned in Para-1 above have been promoted to PS Gr. B Grade only on ad-hoc basis in terms of DoPT OM No.22011/4/91-Estt.(A) dated 14.09.1992.
(i) The promotion will be effective from the date of assumption of charge of the post of PS Group ‘B’ Officer.
(i) Re-allotment requests, if any, shall not be entertained before completion of tenure as envisaged in this Directorate letter No. 9-23/2014-SPG dated 25.02.2020.
(iii) It is the officer’s responsibility to send a copy of the charge report on assumption of charge of the PS Group B cadre issued vide this order to the Assistant Director (SPG-I1), Department of Posts, New Delhi-110001 for information and record.
(iv) Officers will be relieved within 15 days from the date of issue of this order subject to the conditions mentioned in Para-5 below. In case, posting order from the allotted Circle is not received, the relieving Circle shall relieve the promoted officer and ask the officer to report to the allotted Circle Headquarters.
(v) Incase of officer (s), who is not willing to accept his/her promotion, his/her declination letter in writing duly forwarded by the Circle office should reach this Directorate within 30 days of issue of this order. Non-assumption of charge after 30 days, without any valid reason, will attract appropriate action against the officer, viz. deemed declination of promotion etc.
(vi) Inter-se-seniority of the selected officers will be fixed by Personnel Division in due course.
5.1 The promotion of the official should be withheld in case the official is under suspension or a charge-sheet has been issued to the official or prosecution for a criminal charge is pending against the official as per DoPT’s O.M. N0.22011/4/91-Estt.(A) dated 14.09.1992. In all such cases, the official should not be relieved for posting without obtaining specific orders from this office. The promotion of the official should not be withheld on the mere ground that disciplinary action is contemplated.
5.2 The officers against whom any punishment is current except censure shall not be promoted before expiry of currency of punishment in terms of DoPT’s OM No.22034/5/2004- Estt.(D) dated 15.12.2004. A report of such cases, if any, in this regard may be submitted immediately to ADG (SPG), Department of Posts, New Delhi-110001. In case period of punishment is reduced’ increased due to revision in punishment order of the official, promotion order may be issued in respect of such officers by Circle concerned on the expiry of revised period of punishment, only after prior permission of this Office.
6. PROBATION PERIOD: The aforesaid officials who have been promoted to the Postal Service Group ‘B’ cadre will be on probation for two years and then their suitability to hold this post will be adjudged on completion of two years of probation. If any official proceeds on leave for a period exceeding 30 days during this period, the probation period will be extended depending upon the period of leave.
7- The officers, who have been approved for promotion as above and are presently on deputation may avail the benefit of promotion. Such officers have two options as follows:
(i) They may get repatriated to Postal Directorate/Circle concerned etc. to avail promotion.
(ii) They may prefer a request to avail proforma promotion under Next Below Rule (NBR) from the date of promotion of their immediate junior.
8. Since the Jarnail Singh batch of cases is pending in the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, this promotion order shall be subject to further orders that may be passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in said batch of cases as envisaged in para-5 of DoPT O.M. No. 36012/1 6/2019- Esttt. (Res.) dated 12™ April 2022. Circles/Units will ensure to include this fact in respective promotion-cum-posting orders. This order shall also be subject to outcome of the following Court cases:
(2) OA No. 1675/2020 filed in Hon’ble CAT Principle Bench, Delhi,
(b) OA No. 366/2021 filed by Sh. Priya Ranjan vs. Uol & ors, before Hon'ble CAT, Patna Bench.
(c) OA No. 373/2021 filed by Sh. PMS Suryanarayan & anr. vs, Uol & ors. before Hon'ble CAT, Bangalore Bench.
d) OA No.1146/2021 file by Sh. K. Kalimuthu (All India Association Vs Uol & Ors before Hon’ble CAT, Chennai Bench, oncRtel Supervisors
(e) Any other order by any Competent Court in any of the co promotion etc. in IP cadre. matters i.e. seniority,
The official will be directly promoted to Postal Service Group ‘B' cadre without any training for the present. However, they will have to undergo the prescribed training as and when notified by Director, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai, National Postal Academy, Ghaziabad.
In terms of DPC guidelines, promotions are effective from a prospective date only and no notional fixation of pay from a date prior to the date of actual promotion shall be allowed. The officers wishing to give option for choosing date for fixation of pay under FR-22[I](a)(1) should do so within one month from the date of assumption of charge on promotion.
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