PM KISAN mobile app for completing e-KYC through face authentication | IPPB PM KISAN EKYC Steps
Please find the below APK file for testing of PM KISAN mobile app for completing e-KYC through face authentication. Currently it is under final stage of testing mode. Please follow following steps for doing e-KYC:
Download PM KISAN Mobile App APK & EKYC Steps
1. Install the app on the beneficiary's Android mobile phone.
2. Login by using Aadhaar number or Beneficiary Id.
3. A 4-digit OTP will be sent to the farmers registered mobile number
4. After entering OTP the farmer will be able to login into the app.
5. After login into the app farmers will be able to complete his/ her e-KYC through face authentication within 30 Sec.
Please ensure that users are under proper network connectivity and proper light on face.
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