CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES & WORKERS. 1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi 110001 Website: www.confederationha. Email: President: Ravindran 6. Nair Secretary General: RN. Parashar 09569234399 09718686800 / 09319917295 Ref: Contd. Circular Dated: 27.04.2023
All Office Bearers(National Executive committee members. All General Secretaries of State COCs. All Chief executives of affliated organisations
It is highly shocking that the recognition of NFPE & AIPEU Group-C has been withdrawn by Postal Administration on the basis of false, fake, fabricated and concocted complaint of one unrecognized organization i.e. BPEF (Bhartiya Postal Employees Federation) affiliated to Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS)which is labour wing of RSS and BJP. The allegations are very much frivolous. that the both organizations have done political funding to CPI (M), CITU and Farmers movement.
NFPE & AIPEU Union are major constituents of Confederation. In one National Executive Committee Meeting of Confederation. The decision was taken to extend solidarity and Co-operation to the Farmers movement who were fighting for the cause of every one to save the agriculture sector. On this. earth, nobody can survive without food which Farmers produce and the same was totally non-political movement and so many farmers and agriculture workers union were participating in the same. After a period of more than one. year Prime-Minister himself apologized and withdrawn all three farmers bills.
Confederation collected some amount from its constituent organizations. and handed over to one our fraternal organization of Farmers and agriculture,workers., No amount was given by NFPE & AIPEU union directly to Farmers Movement.
Other allegations are totally false. No funding was done to CPI(M) in any way by NFPE and P-III and no where it is mentioned in any account of NFPE and P-III whether it is believable the such a meagre amount transferred to CPI(M) may be political funding to a National Political Party.
Third allegation is to transfer money to C.I.T.U. that is also wrong, Confederation is affiliate of World Federation of Trade Union (WFTU) and every year affiliation fee Is given to WFTU. NFPE explained that this amount was given to WFTU as affiliation fee from Confederation not by NFPE. So many organizations affliated to WFTU are remitting affiliation fee and FNPO and BPEF both remit affiliation fee or levy to INTUC & BMS respectively.
As this is a politically motivated action to grow and develop the BPEF unions in Department of Post which have not been able to gain membership more than 5% since after its formation in 1978 and could not get recognition
under CCS (RSA) Rules-1993 after several rounds of verification since 1993. So with the help of their political AKAS they want to destroy NFPE which is a militant organization and have been fighting for the cause of Postal Workers since ts formation.
There is a planned move of Corporatization and privatization of Postal Department through India Post Payment Bank. Against this move NFPE conducted a glorious strike on 10th August-2022. Being annoyed with the strike, and other agitational programmes being conducted by NFPE, this conspiracym has been hatched. Previously also some other attacks were unleashed on Postal Department and NFPE and the same were challenged, protested and halted by NFPE.
We as Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers, stand like a rock behind NFPE and declare all kind of solidarity, co-operation and support to NFPE in this period and condemn highly undemocratic, illegal and arbitrary action of Postal Administration.
We appeal to all constituent organizations and state C-O-Cs to conduct lunch hour demonstrations in front of all big offices of Central Government on 2 May-2023 declaring BLACK DAY and all employees should BEAR BLACK BADGE for whole day on 2nd May-2023,
The following resolution may also be sent to Prime-Minister, Communication Minister and Secretary Posts after holding demonstration.
"Restore the recoanition and Trade Union Facilities to NFPE & III"
NFPE has faced so many challenges in past and has won every time and this time also it will win and overcome the crisis.
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