Mission Lifestyle for Awareness (LIFE) | DOPT OM On Mission life (lifestyle for environment) World Environment Day on 5th June, 2023
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has planned to organize a large variety of events and activities about Mission Lifestyle for Awareness (LIFE) before the World Environment Day on 5th June, 2023. These include bicycle rallies, pond cleaning, e-waste/plastic waste collection, water conservation, minimization of food waste and similar other activities.
Download dopt OM on Mission Lifestyle for Awareness (LiFE) in PDF
Government of India Department of Personnel & Training Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions DO No.I-28047/04/2023-Coord 4th May, 2023
2. With a view to encourage mass mobilization and continuous participation of every Government Employeeftrainee officer/new recruits in LIFE activities, the Central Training Institutions and training institutions of CPSUs may undertake the following activities (indicative):-
A. To conduct month long awareness campaigns on Mission LIFE (including outreach activities, seminars, quiz, hackathons etc) in the month of May, 2023.
B. Toinclude LIFE related curriculum and best practices for all future Training courses, Workshops and seminars. Trainee officers should be encouraged to share best practices on LIFE with their fellow trainees. Central Training Institutions and other training institutes may also seek the guidance of Capacity Building Commission to this effect.
C. All the Mess and Cafeteria in the Training Institutes should star serving in smaller portions fo minimize food wastage and set up composting centers.
D. To actively encourage and involve the new appointed candidates recruited through Rozgar Melas (Mission Recruitment) as LIFE Volunteers for conduct of activities and document their experience in the form of micro learning bytes with suitable captions.
3. All the employees of Central Ministries / Departments / State Governments / Training Institutes may be encouraged to take a pledge on Mission LIFE on 5th June 2023. DoPT is enabling a provision on e-HRMS (https://e-hrms.gov.in) to facilitate Central/State Government employees to take LiFE pledge online and download their certificates. A copy of the pledge is attached.
4. All the training Institutes of Union Ministries as well as CTIs are requested to disseminate the information to their employees and nominate a nodal officer of DS/Dir level who would be able to upload the daily report of all awareness campaigns and LiFE events undertaken by the training institutions on the portal merilife.org. All activities are to be carried out under the broad theme and logo of mission LIFE. The contact details of the nodal officers may be sent to Smt. D.S. Nagalakshmi, Deputy Secretary (Co-ord) at her email address: nagus.edu@ nic.in.
5. I am sure that with your active guidance and involvement in various LiFE activities, the Mission LIFE will become a mass movement and inspire every employee to continuously innovate and adopt sustainable lifestyles and consumption patterns.
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