IP ASP Deputation/Foreign Service Request Processing Guidelines 2023 | Inspector post and Assistant superintendents of Post (IP/ASP) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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IP ASP Deputation/Foreign Service Request Processing Guidelines 2023 | Inspector post and Assistant superintendents of Post (IP/ASP)

Subject: Processing of request of Inspector post (IP) and Assistant superintendents of Post (ASP) for 'Deputation/Foreign Service Deputation".

Download IP/ASP Deputation/Foriegn Service Request Processing Guidelines 2023 in PDF

F.NO.X-7/27/2022-SPN-II Government of India Ministry of communications Department of posts Dak  Bhawan,sansad marg. New Delhi-110001, May 9.2023

I am directed to refer to Directorate's letters no, X-7/15/2021-SPN-II dated 12.07.2022 and 15.02.2023, wherein it has been decided that the cadreof inspector post (IP) and assistant superintendent of post (ASP) shall be managed centrally by the Directorate Consequently, it is felt necessary to issue guidelines for processing the requests for ‘Deputation / ForeignService Deputation’ of IP / ASP and the Competent Authority has approved following guidelines:

a) IP/ASP working in Directorate against sanctioned posts of Directorate shall submit their requests for *‘Deputation / Foreign Service Deputation* to Personnel Division(SPN Branch) for further processing.

b) IP/ASP working in Postal Circles or working in Directorate on attachment basis shall submit their requests for ‘Deputation / Foreign Service Deputation'  to their respective Controlling Officer, who shall, afier verifying the service particulars, forward the request to Circle Office. After obtaining approval of the Head of the Circle requests of those officials whose services can be spared shall be forwarded to Directorate.

c) Requests received in Directorate shall be placed before the competent authority before forwarding the request to concerned organization. 

d) After an IP / ASP is relieved to join another organization on for ‘Deputation/foreign Service Deputation’, concerned Circle shall immediately inform the Directorate date of relieving of the official and the period of 'Deputation / Foreign Service Deputation'

e) In case the borrowing organization intends to retain an offical beyond the approved period  of “Deputation / Foreign Service Deputation” a request in this regarding  shall be made by the borrowing organization to Dircctorate for concurrence

f) Request for extension of “Deputation / Foreign Service Deputation' presently pending in Circles may be sent to Directorate immediately for consideration of the Competent authority. In no Circumstances, henceforth Circle shall give concurrence for extension of Deputation/ Foreign Service Deputation.

g) Before repatriation of an officail on 'deputation /Foreign Service DEputation' after completion of the approved period, Directorate shall issue orders allocating a circle/Unit for posting of the offical. to facilitate processing of the case in Directorate, officials on 'Deputation/Foreign Service Deputation' shall submit a request to directorate giving order of preference of postal Circle 60 days prior to expiry of approved period of 'Deputation/Foreign Service Deputation.

h) In case,any offical is prematurely reptriated, the official will report to Directorate Thereafter, Directorate shall issue orders allocating a circle/Unit for posting of the official. The intervening period between the date of reporting of the official in directorate date of joining in the allocated circle/ Unit shall be treated as'Compulsory wait' and pay and  allowances for such period shall be drawn by the allocated Circle/Unit.

2. To facilitate maintenance of database of the IP / ASP already on Deputation/Foreign Service Deputation Circles are requested to send information in the following format.

Details of Inspector Posts (IP) and Assistant Superintendents of Posts (ASP) on Ras "Deputation / Foreign Service Deputation” 

* Name of the official 

* Substantive Post held 

* Name and contact details of borrowing organization

* Date from which the official is on ‘Deputation / foreign Service Deputation

* Period upto which ‘Deputation /Foreign Service Deputation’ presently Approved. Whether any request for extension is pending. (Yes / No)

3.  In cases where request of IP/ASP for “Deputation / Foreign Service Deputation” have been forwarded by Circles, after selection. before relieving the official, proposal with relevant details shall be sent to Directorate and only after receipt of the concurrence of the Directorate the official shall be relieved. 

4. This may be widely circulated for information of all concerned fail .

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