Extension for document verification of GDS online Engagement Cycle-V List-III
No.17-21/2022-GDS Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (GDS Section) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110 001 Dated: 29.05.2023 The Chief Postmasters General North East Circle Shillong- 793 001.
Subject: Extension for document verification of GDS online Engagement Cycle-V List-III and 2nd document verification list-II with respect to Manipur Division.
Kindly refer to your office letter no. EST/9-3/GDS Cycle V/2023/Pt. I dated 23.05.2023 wherein North East Circle has reported about abnormal law and order situation in Manipur and has requested for providing extension to the candidates selected against the vacant posts of GDS in Manipur.
2. The matter has been examined. The competent authority has allowed extension to the following candidates of Manipur Division up to 07.06.2023 for reporting to VA/EA, as the case may be:
i) The candidates of List-2 not reported to Engaging authorities
ii) The candidates of list-3 not turned up for verification to the Verifying Authorities.
Yours sincerely
(Ravi Pahwa) Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC) Tel. No. 011-23096629 Email: - adggds426@gmail.com
Copy to: Shri. P.M. Saravanan, General Manager, CEPT Bengaluru – 560 001- With request to cause to make necessary systemic provision to enforce extension in respect of candidates of Manipur Division as per decision in the Portal and inform the concerned candidates about the extension on their registered email/SMS. CEPT may go ahead with issue of the next List of shortlisted candidates (List-4) on or after 01.06.2023, as scheduled. Th e posts of Manipur Division, where the candidates have not reported up to EA in respect of List-2 and not turned to VA in respect of list-3 may be withheld in view of the extension granted. The result of posts against rejected candidates of List-3, may be be issued.
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