Enhancement of quota in LDCE for Postal General Line Supervisor Cadre | All India Association of Supervisor Cadre(Gr.B)(AIASC)
All India Association of Supervisor Cadre(Gr.B) The Hon’ble Director General (Posts), Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001.
No. AIASC CHQ-23/2022-23 Dated at Hoshiarpur HO the 24.05.2023
Download Enhancement of qouta in LDCE for General Line in PDF
Sub: - Request for filling up upgraded PS Group-B posts after Cadre Restructuring of IP & ASP Cadre through LDCE & enhancement of quota in LDCE for General Line Supervisor Cadre
Ref: - Hon’ble DTE order No. 25-36/2017-PE-I (Vol.III) dated 29.03.2023
Respected Sir,
In connection with above cited subject, this association would like to draw a kind attention towards details of posts in PS Group-B, Inspector posts, Assistant Supdt. of Posts & General Line posts after Cadre Restructuring of Group-C posts and merger of Postmaster Cadre with General Line Cadre(P) in the Department of Posts are as tabulated below: -
As per recruitment rules of Postal Superintendent/Postmaster Group-B, 1987 amended 1993, the method of filling up posts in PS Group-B Cadre is 75% by promotion through DPC amongst IP cadre and 25% through LDCE amongst 19% for IP cadre & 6% for GL cadre.
Thus, total quota offered in PS Group-B is 94% (75 + 19) to IP cadre (DPC and LDCE) and mere 6% for GL cadre through LDCE.
It is pertinent to mention here that total posts in IP/ASP cadre remained unchanged (4001) even before and after Cadre Restructuring of IP Cadre whereas number of posts of GL
Cadre increased almost 5.5 times after Cadre Restructuring of Group-C posts (i.e. before CR was 7338 posts & after CR with merger of Postmaster Cadre is 40534 posts).
From above table, it is clear that 94% quota in PS Group-B is earmarked to be filledup amongst 4001 posts of IP cadre either by promotion through DPC or through LDCE, whereas mere 6 % quota is allotted to 40534 GL cadre through LDCE, which is quite natural, injustice.
It is also necessary to mention here that after merger of Postmaster Cadre with General Line Cadre, many of the HSG-I officials with 20-25 years of remaining service are stagnated due to lack of opportunities for further promotion. Further it is also necessary that persons employed in the lower grades of the service or lower post should have adequate opportunities of promotion, so that incentive to good work is maintained. This will also facilitate the introduction of fresh blood and incidentally provide an opportunity for General Line Cadre.
Hence, this association prays: -
1. 225 upgraded posts of PS Group-B after cadre restructuring of IP Cadre may kindly be considered for the vacancy of 2023 as per DDG (P) D.O. letter No. W-18/2022-SPN-I dated 10.09.2022.
2. Officials of HSG-I Cadre may also be considered for promotion through DPC along with IP Cadre officials with justified percentage of PS Group-B posts.
3. Quota offered to General Line Cadre for LDCE may please be enhanced keeping in view of 40534 eligible officials in General Line Cadre.
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