DPC for adhoc promotion to JTS of IPoS Cadre 2023 | DOP Departmental Selection Committee (DPC) meeting - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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DPC for adhoc promotion to JTS of IPoS Cadre 2023 | DOP Departmental Selection Committee (DPC) meeting

Subject: Meeting of Departmental Selection Committee (DPC) for considering ad-hoc promotion to Junior Time Scale (JTS) of Indian Postal Service (IPoS), Group ‘A’ reg.

Download DPC for adhoc promotion to JTS of IPoS Cadre 2023 in PDF

No. 4-2/2023-SPG Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (Personnel Division) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001 Dated: 11.05.2023

To 1. All Chief Postmasters General 2. Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi

In continuation of this office letter of even number dated 20.04.2023, I am directed to request that APMG/AD(Staff) of your Circle may be deputed for submission of attested copies of APARs from 2016-17 to 2021-22 in respect of the officers mentioned in Annexure-l of letter dated 20.04.2023 along with relevant documents as per enclosed revised Annexure II and Annexure III to VI, as per the schedule given below: -

Name of the Circle (including concerned PTC)     Date of submitting the documents

1. Assam/ Andhra Pradesh                    - 17.05.2023

2.  Bihar/ Chhattisgarh/ Delhi              -18.05.2023

3.  Gujarat/Haryana/ Himachal Pradesh/Jammu &   Kashmir/ Jharkhand                                                                                -19.05.2023

4. Karnataka & CEPT/ Kerala                - 22.05.2023

5. Madhya Pradesh/ Maharashtra/ North-East- 23.05.2023

6. Odisha/ Punjab/ Rajasthan               -24.05.2023 -

7. Tamil Nadu/ Telangana                   - 25.05.2023

8. Uttar Pradesh/ Uttarakhand/ West Bengal - 26.05.2023

2. Further, the deputed APMG/AD(Staff) shall be directed to carry their rubber stamp.

(Hemant Kumar) Assistant Director General (SPG)

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