Data Entry Skill Test (DEST) for PA SA Exam 2023 | Postal Assistant (PA/SA) DEST Exam is on 21st May 2023
SUB: Conduct of Data Entry Skill Test (DEST) in respect of qualified candidates of LDCE for promotion to PA/SA cadre for vacancy year 2023 held on 12-03-2023
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This is regarding Data Entry Skill Test (DEST) scheduled to be held on 21-05-2023 (SUNDAY).
In this regard, the Competent Authority has decided to hold DEST centrally at Postal Training Centre (PTC), Mysuru in respect of the qualified Category-A candidates and SC/ST Candidates of Category-B (approximately three times SC/ST Vacancies notified) of all Regions / Units for promotion to the cadre of PA/SA.
2. The tentative qualified candidates list of Category-A and SC/ST Candidates of Category-B (approximately three times SC/ST Vacancies notified) along with not qualified / absentee list will be sent / uploaded in the Karnataka post website shortly. These lists will be tentative until confirmation of category and regularization of provisionally permitted candidates by the concerned Regional / Divisional Heads. VH candidates are exempted from appearing for DEST as per Directorate’s instructions.
3. The Regional Heber are requested to prepare a ruber stamp as below, to be impressed on the respective Hall pefmits. The Hall permits are to be signed by the respective Assistant Directors. The Hall permits have to be sent to respective Divisions to hand it over to the concerned candidates.
4. A fresh option form (copy enclosed) may be sent to all the qualified candidates with a request to submit the duly filled up form at concerned Dos which should have been countersigned by SDH / DH. These forms will be sent by the Dos to their concerned ROs which should be forwarded by the ROs to this office on or before 23-05-2023.
5. The hall permits will be collected at the venue by Director, PTC, Mysuru and sent to concerned ROs for safe custody at RO.
6. The qualified candidates should exercise preference for all recruiting Divisions/ units, where there is availability of vacancies for consideration. In case, preference is exercised for a limited number of Divisions/ units, if they couId not be allocated to one of those limited Divisions / Units as per merit vis a vis vacancy in the category to which he/she belongs to,he /she will not be Contd. considered for other recruiting Divisions / Units not preferred even though a candidate lower in merit (with less marks) is considered based on his/her option for that Division / Unit. Order of preference once exercised is FINAL AND SHALLNOT BE CHANGED. This may be brought to the notice of all qualified candidates who have been selected to appear DEST.
7. The candidates shall be allowed to DEST on production of Hall permits issued by Regions. Without the Hall permits, candidates shall not be allowed to attend DEST. The candidates may be instructed to carry the Admit Card/Hall Permit issued to him and his Department ID Card along with a copy of the ID card and also Option / preference form.
8. Regions/Divisions are directed to inform the candidates about the date and venue of DEST after receipt of this letter.
9. It is to inform that the Department has uploaded the functional prototype of the application in the website for the DEST held on 09-02-2020 in the link The candidates may be asked to familiarize and practice themselves from the above link.
10. The revised parameters in Data Entry Skill Test (DEST) for promotion / appointment to the post of Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant issued by Directorate vide letter no. 17-08/2018- SPN-I dated 19-12-2022 will be adhered to.
11. As per the Directorate letter nos.17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 09.09.2021 and 22-07-2022, the DEST will be conducted in different shifts / batches with time schedule for the test will be 15 minutes and maximum marks shall be 25.
12. The same Hall Permits of the candidates available in the custody of the concerned regional office to be used for incorporating the date and time of DEST to be issued to the qualified candidates for attending the DEST.
13. The candidates may be directed to report at the venue ie., PTC, Mysuru at 09.00 AM
14. All the candidates may be directed to follow COVID-19 protocol strictly.
This may be brought to the notice of all the concerned.
This has the approval of Chief Postmaster General.
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