Calling for application of volunteers to work in PTC, Darbhanga
Sub: Calling for application of volunteers from Postal PA/SA and PO/RMS qualified Accountant in Postal/ Sorting Assistant cadre / Jr. Accountant posted at Postal Account Offices to work in PTC, Darbhanga as Office Assistant and Junior Accountant respectively on duputetion basis —rep
Government Of India Department Of Posts, India GWE-846 005 O/o-The Director, Postal Training Centre, Darbhanga-846005 Ph. No. 06272 246191 Fax No. 06272 246147 e-Mail:-
Memo No:- B2/General/Ch V/2022 Dated at PTC Darbhanga the 02.05.2023
One post of Office Assistant and one post of Junior Accountant are vacant in PTC Darbhanga. The competent authority has accorded permission to fill up the vacant post by calling of willingness from PA/SA for Office Assistant and Qualified PO/RMS Accountant/Jr. Accountant posted at Postal Account Offices for Junior Accountant from Bihar/ feeder Circle.
Accordingly, applications are invited from volunteers amongst PA/SA and Qualified PO/RMS Accountant/Jr. Accountant posted at Postal Account Offices to work in PTC, Darbhanga on deputation basis.
The computer knowing officials and having more than five years of service with good record of service in administrative office will be preferred for the post of Office Assistant. The service period can be relaxed, if needed.
Similarly, PO/RMS qualified Accountant/ Jr. Accountant posted at Postal Account Offices having good record of service will be eligible for the post of Junior Accountant.
Application from willing officials in prescribed performa given in annexure may be forwarded by the Unit/divisional Head along with their personal recommendation and APAR Grading of the applicant for last five years and vigilance clearance certificate so as to reach this office latest by 01.06.2023.
The period of deputation is normally three years, but may be terminated before completion of tenure according to the performance of the officials.
No deputation allowance /any other allowances to be paid to the officials who will work in PTC, Darbhanga on deputation. On selection, the official will have to reside in Govt. accommodation available at PTC Darbhanga campus itself.
DA: As stated
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