Booking of Elector Photo Identity Cards (EPICs) through SpeedPost | Along with AV & BV, BW Barcode Series Allotted - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Booking of Elector Photo Identity Cards (EPICs) through SpeedPost | Along with AV & BV, BW Barcode Series Allotted

Subject: Booking of Elector Photo Identity Cards (EPICs) through SpeedPost — regarding.

Download Booking of Voter ID through Speed Post in PDF

No. 39-07/2021-D Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts Mail Business (Operations & Development) Division Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 Dated: 04.05.2023

References is invited to this office letter number of even number dated 23/24.09.2021 on the above mentioned subject vide which SoP along with distribution of special bar code series of AV for booking of EPICs was issued. In addition, BV series of Speed Post bar code was also allotted subsequently to Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, North East, Punjab, Rajasthan, Telangana and Tami Nadu (for Pondicherry) as per requirement of respective Circles.

2. Election Commission of India (ECI) upon updation of its IT system (ERONET) from version 1.0 to 2.0 has requested to allot a fresh bar code series for further booking of EPICs issues by Chief/District Chief Election Officer of respective State/UT/District in new IT environment.

3. In view of the above, a new bar code series of Speed Post prefixed as ‘BW’ has been allotted to Election Commission of India and distributed amongst all the States/UTs as per Annexure-A for further booking of EPICs.

4. It is requested that the range of BW bar code series as allotted, may be configured in the BNPL customer Id of CEO of the respective State/UT in addition to the existing AV and BV series range of bar code as the case may be, for smooth booking of EPICs in future.

(Prateek) ADG (Mail Qperations) Encl Mneruge. A

Copy to:

i. Shri H.R. Srinivasa, Special Officer IT, Election Commission of India for information

ii. Shri Ashok Kumar, Director (IT), Election Commission of India for information and necessary action. It is requested to configure the allotted range of bar code in ERONET 2.0 for all the States/UTs.

iii. General Manager, CEPT Mysore-570 010 for information and necessary action

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