26th All India Postal Carrom Tournament (2022-2023) Circulation of final results
Sub: 26th All India Postal Carrom Tournament (2022-2023) — Circulation of final results — regarding.
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No. 6-04/2022-WL& Sports Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts. Welfare & Sports Section Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi-110001. Dated: 27.04.2023
I am directed to invite your attention towards the decision taken in the 21stPostal Sports Board Meeting vide Para-45 regarding circulation of the Departmental records in various sports events and also its display on the departmental Web site.
2. The 26th All India Postal Carrom Tournament (2022-2023) was organized at Pataliputra Stadium, Patna. Bihar Circle from 28.11.2022 to 02.12.2022 (5days).
3. The Tournament was inaugurated on 28.11.2022 by Chief Guest Ms. Rashmi Kumari. Indian Carrom Player and current World Carrom Champion, Honourable Guest Shri Rabindran Shankaran. Addl DGP. BSSA. Patna & Shri K.K. Sharma. Chief Post Master General. Bihar Circle.
4. The closing ceremony was held at Pataliputra Stadium. Patna on 02.12.2022 at 17.00 hrs by lowering the Flag (tournament) by Chief Guest Smt. Alka Jha, Member (Planning & HRD) followed by Prizes and certificates distribution.
5. Total 20 teams as given below participated in the tournament. Total 153 players participated in the event: 109 Male and 44 Female players.
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