UPU International Letter Writing Competition 2023 for Young People | Universal Postal Union (UPU)
Subject: Post Office (DOP) UPU International Letter Writing Competition 2023 for Young People.
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Department of Posts
Dated: 24.03.2023
Department of Posts (DOP) conducts UPU Letter Writing Competition every year for school going children (9-15 years), date and time of which will be decided by the concerned Postal Circles in such a way that the best three entries of the respective Circle should reach the Directorate by 13.04.2023 for final evaluation and selection.
2. To give wide publicity to the competition, the Circles have been instructed to use internal means for publicizing the competition by contacting the school authorities and also by using social media like Twitter and Facebook accounts of the Circles. It has also been decided to put the information on the India Post website. A copy of the Annexures to be displayed on the website is enclosed herewith.
3. In view of the above, it is requested that the details of the competition may please be uploaded on the Department's website at the earliest.
List of Enclosures:-
1. Annexure-I (Details of UPU 2023 International Letter Writing Competition).
2. Annexure-II (Rules for participants participating at Venue).
3. Annexure-III(Details of Nodal Officers).
1. General details:
1. Subject - "Imagine you are a super hero and your mission is to make all roads around the world safer for children. Write a letter to someone explaining which super powers you would need to achieve your mission."
2. Participants eligibility - It is open to participants upto the age of 15 years
3. Content and form - Composition must be presented in the form of Letter.
4. Date/Time of Competition - Competition at Venue - Will be decided by the Concerned Circles in such a way that the best three entries reach the Directorate by 13.04.2023.
5. Language - English or any language listed in the 8 schedule of the Constitution of India.
2. Prizes (at Circle level
a. First Prize: Rs.25,000/- and a certificate
b. Second Prize: Rs.10,000/- and a certificate
c. Third Prize: Rs. 5,000/- and a certificate
3. Prizes (at National level):
a. First Prize: Rs. 50,000/- and a Certificate.
b. Second Prize: Rs. 25,000/- and a Certificate.
c. Third Prize: Rs. 10,000/- and a Certificate.
4. The best entry at the national level shall qualify as the official Indian entry for the International level Competition The Universal Postal Union shall select the award-winning entries. The winners will receive a special medal (gold for first prize, silver for second, and bronze for third) and a certificate, as well as other prizes to commemorate their win (such other prizes to be decided by the UPU). The gold medallist may also be offered a trip to the UPU headquarters in Berne, Switzerland, or an alternative prize to be decided at the sole discretion of the UPU. Writers awarded a special mention will also receive a certificate as well as other prizes (such other prizes to be decided by the UPU).
5. It may be ensured that each and every entry has the following details on its first page in bilingual (both English and Hindi):
i. Candidate’s Passport size photograph.
ii. Candidate’s name.
iii. Date of Birth.
iv. Sex (Male/Female).
v. Father’s/Guardian’s name.
vi. Name of the School/Institution and full address.
vii. Full postal address.
For further details, please contact the Chief Postmaster General/Postmaster General/Director Postal Services/Nodal Officer of your Circle/Region. Information will be available on the Department’s website https://www.indiapost.gov.in
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