Postal (DOP) JTS Adhoc Promotion DPC 2023 | Download DPC for considering adhoc promotion to JTS of IPoS Group A
Subject: Meeting of Departmental Selection Committee (DPC) for considering ad-hoc promotion to Junior Time Scale (JTS) of Indian Postal Service (IPoS) Group ‘A’ reg.
Download Postal (DOP) JTS DPC 2023 in PDF
No. 4-2/2023-SPG
Department of Posts
(Personnel Division)
Dated: 20.04.2023
I am directed to convey that a meeting of Departmental Selection Committee (DSC) for considering ad-hoc promotion to Junior Time Scale (JTS) of Indian Postal Service (IPoS), Group ‘A’ is likely to be convened in Directorate for filling up the vacancies in the scale.
2. The matter regarding preparation of seniority list of Postal Service (PS)
(i) Complete APARs of all the PS, Group ‘B’ officers, who are in service as on date, (Annexure-I) for the period from 2016-17 to 2021-22. Furnish scanned copy of the APARs (duly attested by Group ‘A’ officers) alongwith relevant documents. In case of officers where NRC is placed for APARs, then previous years’ completed APARs may be included in the dossier with a view to ensure that at least six complete APARSs are available.
(ii) The details of successful completion of minimum two weeks’ PS, Group ‘B’ Induction Training alongwith basic details in respect of each officer may be submitted as per the enclosed proforma (Annexure-II).
(iii) List of officers against whom vigilance/Disciplinary/criminal proceedings are pending and details of officers who are under suspension may be furnished as per proforma at Annexure-IIl. A copy of relevant order/chargesheet may be sent with scanned APARs of the concerned officer. If any change in vigilance status occurs, it must be reported immediately. The onus of reporting the same to this office in time will be on the Head of the Circle concerned.
(iv) There should not be any pendency on representations against the communicated adverse entries in APARs. The pending representations in respect of the officers be decided and disposed of with speaking order, prior to submitting the documents for DSC.
(v) A statement of Penalties for the last ten years should be sent as per the enclosed proforma (Annexure-IV) in respect of all the officers mentioned in Annexure-I and also sent a copy of the Penalty Order, if any, alongwith scanned APARs of the concerned officer.
(vi) Furnish certified Grading of all the APARs in respect of officers mentioned in Annexure-I and ‘No Report Certificate (NRC) as per format in Annexure-V giving justified and acceptable reasons wherever any part or full of APAR is not available.
(vii) Furnish complete information about an officer's new Circle/place of posting, if he/she is not working in the Circle as indicated in the attached list.
(viii) Report the discrepancy/omission, if any, found in the list attached in Annexure-I, immediately for rectification.
(ix) Report any other relevant information about the officer like caste status, date of birth, VRS, death, etc.
3. On the basis of above requirements, a checklist has also been prepared and is attached as Annexure-VIL. The check-list may kindly be got completed in respect of each officer of your Circle figuring in the attached list and sent to this office along with all the above documents/information.
4. In order to ensure holding of DSC at the earliest, it is requested to send the requisite complete documents/information as detailed in the aforesaid paras through mail at latest by 10.05.2023. Also, it is requested to send word file of all the annexures. Further, it is requested to depute APMG/AD(Staff) of your Circle personally to this Directorate for submission of APARs dossiers at the date & time which will be informed shortly.
5. The Circles/Units are requested to ensure that the officers are actually working in PS Group ‘B’ (Gazetted) cadre in the Circle/Unit as on date. If any officer in the list (Annexure-I) has already been promoted to JTS, IPoS cadre through DPC or not in PS Group ‘B’ cadre due to VRS, death, deputation, dismissal etc., full details of such cases with relevant records may also be furnished.
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