Postal Directorate Calling for Willingness from the IP ASP cadre Officials presently working in Dte.
Subject: - Calling for willingness from the IP / ASP (Inspector Post/Assistant Superintendent of Posts) cadre officials presently working in Postal Directorate on deputation basis.
Download IP ASP willingness to work in Postal Directorate in PDF
(Personnel Division)
Dated: - 5th April, 2023
Subject: - Calling for willingness from the IP / ASP cadre officials presently working in Directorate on deputation basis.
Attention is invited to letters no. X-7/15/2021-SPN-II dated 12.07.2022 and
2. Accordingly, vide communication of even number dated 16.03.2023,
3. Now, Competent Authority has decided to give one-time option to the IP /
4. Therefore, all the IP / ASP officials working in Directorate on deputation basis are requested to exercise their one-time option as per enclosed proforma latest by 20.04.2023. Option received after 20.04.2023 will not be entertained.
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