Opening of new BOs (Branch Post Office) required for providing Banking facility in Karnataka Postal Circle
In accordance with Directorate Letter No. 40-12/2022-PLG dated 24.03.2023, 28.03.2023 and 29.03.2023, approval of the Chief postmaster General is hereby conveyed for sanction of 41 new posts of BPMs, 07 new posts of ABPMs and 02 new posts of Postal Assistant in connection with opening of forty-one (41) new BOs required for providing Banking facility within five kilometres of all villages In the Circle as per Annexure I.
2.. Region wise distribution of newly sanctioned posts is furnished hereunder.
SL |
Name of the Region |
No. of new BPM posts sanctioned |
No. of new ABPM Posts sanctioned |
No. of new PA Posts sanctioned |
01 |
SK |
22 |
03 |
01 |
02 |
NK |
16 |
02 |
01 |
03 |
BG(HQ) |
03 |
02 |
- |
Total |
41 |
07 |
02 |
3. Regions are requested to take necessary action for opening of new BOs as per the requirement furnished by them in response tO this Office Letter of even no. dated 15.07.2022. Regional Heads are requested 10 kindly ensure that the new BOs are opened only in those places as indicated in Annexure 1, by checking the correctness of the name of the BOs and the villages to be included in the delivery area of the proposed BOs:
4. procurement of infrastructure i.e, Basic Infra, Letter boxes, Cash chest and Signage for new BOs should be done immediately on receipt of funds from the Directorate. Expenditure involved in opening of new BOs shall be met from the scheme “Rural Business and Access to Postal Network” for the year 2023-23.
5. Regions / Divisions are requested to update the Establishment Registers covering the details of name of the BO, Name of Account office Name of the HO, Name of the Sub division, Sanctioned strength along with sanction particulars of the posts including Diary number etc ( mentioned at 51.889) in respect of all created posts in connection with opening of forty-one (41) new gOs and report compliance by 14.04.2023.
6. Regions/ Divisions are requested to prepare Lines & Stages for mail arrangements in respect of forty-one (41) new BOs and intimate compliance by 14.04.2023.
7. Based on the number of new BOs sanctioned to the region, One (01) PA is allotted to SK Region and One (01) PA is allotted to NK Region.
8. The proposal has been approved by Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide MoF, DoE ID No 11(1)/Comm &IT/2-23/E.Coord.| Dated 22.03.2023 (300575341).
9. Integrated Finance Wing (IFW) Postal directorate has vetted the sanction of newly created posts required for opening of 5746 new Bos vide Dy No. 194/ 2022-23/ FA- CS(P) dated 24.03.2023
10. Contents of the memo shall be brought to the notice of all concerned. Receipt of the Memo may kindly be acknowledged.
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