DPC (Departmental Promotion Commitees) Guidelines 2023 | Download DOPT OM On DPC Guidelines 2023 in PDF - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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DPC (Departmental Promotion Commitees) Guidelines 2023 | Download DOPT OM On DPC Guidelines 2023 in PDF

Subject: Guidelines on Departmental Promotion Commitees (DPC) 2023.

Download DOPT DPC Guidelines 2023 in PDF


Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions

Department of Personnel and Training (DOPT)

ESTT.(Estt. D)

(Dated 27 March, 2023)


Subject: Guidelines on Departmental Promotion Commitees (DPC) 

Note : While due care has been taken to compile this document, however, if any omissions or correction are noticed, the same may be brought to the notice of the Department of Personnel & Training.


1.1 A post is filled on promotion basis where the Recruitment Rules so provide as a method of recruitment. In making promotions, it should be ensured that suitability of the candidates for promotion is considered in an objective and impartial manner. For this purpose, Departmental Promotion Committee [DPC] (for considering Promotion) should be formed in each Ministry/ Department/ Organisation. In addition, for considering cases of confirmation Departmental Confirmation Committee [DCC] needs to be constituted. Thus, whenever an occasion arises for making promotions/ confirmation etc., the DPCs/DCCs so constituted shall judge the suitability of officers for :

(a) ‘Promotion’ to ‘Selection’ as well as ‘Non-Selection” posts.

(b) Appointment of existing incumbent(s) to post(s) which has(have) been upgraded, in the event of upgradation of post(s) held by the officer(s), in accordance with provisions of DoPT O.M. No. 22011/10/ 84-Estt (D) dated 04.02.1992 and O.M. No. AB-14017/66/2008-Estt.(RR) dated 09.03.2009.

(c) Confirmation of direct recruits in their respective entry grades/posts, confirmation of those promoted in case of change of Group on Promotion or confirmation for officers re-employed before the age of superannuation (by the Departmental Confirmation Committee).

(d) Assessment of work and conduct of the probationers for the purpose of determining their suitability for retention in service or their discharge from it or extending their probation.

[O.M. No. 22011/5/86-Estt.(D) dated 10.04.1989,

O.M. No. 22011/10/ 84-Estt (D) dated 04.02.1992,

O.M. No. AB-14017/66/2008-Estt.(RR) dated 09.03.2009 and

O.M. No. 28020/3/2018-Estt.(C) dated 11.03.2019]

1.2 Composition of DPC for Group ‘A’ and Group 'B’ posts

1.2.1 Members included in DPCs for Group ‘A” and Group 'B’ posts should be officers who are at least one level above the posts in which promotion/ confirmation is to be made. A nominee of Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) shall also be associated with the DPCs in respect of posts covered by the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) delegation, as prescribed vide DoPT O.M. No. 22012/5/97-Estt (D) dated 12.01.1998.

[O.M. No. 22011/5/86-Estt.(D) dated 10.04.1989 and

0.M. No. 22012/5/97-Estt.(D) dated 12.01.1998]

1.3 Association of UPSC with DPCs/DCCs

1.3.1 Cases of promotion:

In cases of promotion by Selection, it shall not be necessary to associate the Union Public Service Commission while making a promotion to any Group ‘A’ Service or post the maximum of the scale of pay of which is less than Rs.16500 (less than Pay Level 12), of an officer holding any Group ‘A’ service or post. Consultation with UPSC shall continue to be necessary while considering promotion from Group 'B’ to any level in Group ‘A’.

Whenever the UPSC is associated with a DPC, the Chairman or a Member of the Commission will preside at the meeting of the DPC.

[Notification No. 39018/1/98-Estt.(B) dated 21.05.1999,

Notification No. 39018/01/98-Estt.(B) dated 04.12.2003 and

Para 2.4 of O.M. No. 22011/5/86-Estt.(D) dated 10.04.1989]

1.3.2 Cases of confirmation:

It shall not be necessary to consult the UPSC while making substantive appointment or confirmation to any Group ‘A’ or Group 'B’ Service or post, of any person recruited directly through the UPSC to such Group ‘A’ or Group ‘B’ Service or post.

[Notification No. 39018/1/98-Estt.(B) dated 21.05.1999]

1.3.3 Composition of DPC for Group ‘C’ posts

In respect of a DPC for Group C posts the Chairman of the DPC should be an officer of a sufficiently high level and one of the members of the DPC should be an officer from a Department not connected with the one in which promotions are considered. The other member(s) should be an officer of the Department familiar with the work of the persons whose suitability is to be assessed. The officer of another Department appointed as a member of the DPC should also be of an appropriate level keeping in view the level of the other members of the DPC and the post to which promotion is to be made. In the case of a DPC constituted for promotions to a technical post it may also be ensured that the officer nominated by another Department has also therequisite technical competence to advise on the suitability of the candidates under consideration.

[Para 2.5 of O.M. NO. 22011/5/86-Estt.(D) dated 10.04.1989]

1.3.4 Co-option of SC/ST officers as Members of DPC

(a) As per OM dated 13.02.2014, wherever a Selection Committee /Board exist or has to be constituted for making recruitment to 10 or more vacancies in any level of posts or services, it shall be mandatory to have one Member belonging to SC/ST, one Member belonging to OBC category and one Member belonging to Minority Community in such Committees/ Boards. Further, one of the members of the Selection Committee/ Board, whether from the general category or from the minority community or from the SC/ST/OBC community should be a lady, failing which a lady member should be co-opted on the Committee/ Board. It may also be ensured that where the number of vacancies against which selection is to be made is less than ten, no effort should be spared in finding the SC/ST, OBC officer and the Minority Community Officer and a lady officer, for including in such Committees/Boards.

(b) In the event of SC/ST Officer not being available in the Ministry/Department, SC/ST officer may be nominated from another Ministry/Department. In cases where an Officer belonging to SC/ST is not available, either from within theOrganization or from outside the Organization, for nomination as Member of the DPC, an endorsement should be obtained from the Liaison Officer of the Ministry/Department/officer concerned, before holding the meeting of DPC, to the effect that all efforts have been made to find an SC/ST officer for the DPC, but with no success.

(c) It is one of the duties of the Liaison Officers to acquaint themselves well in time about the dates of various DPCs which will be held in future. He should also have with him a ready list of officers of various levels belonging to SC/ST of a few sister Departments/Ministries. Whenever requirement arises, an SC/ST officer of appropriate level consistent with the level of the other members of the DPC and the level of appointment, for which a DPC is proposed to be convened, can always be associated as a member. Such a list may be prepared by the Liaison Officers by informally consulting the administrative wing of other Ministries / Departments.

[O.M. No. F.16/1/74-Estt.(SCT) dated 23.05.1975,

O.M. No. 41013/16/80-Estt.(SCT) dated 10.08.1981,

O.M. No. 36011/22/82-Estt.(SCT) dated 18.08.1983 and

O.M. No. 42011/2/2014-Estt.(Res) dated 13.02.2014]


2.1 Frequency at which DPC should meet and suggested model calendar for holding of DPCs

2.1.1 The DPCs should be convened at regular annual intervals to draw panels,

which could be utilized for making promotions against the vacancies occurring during the course of the vacancy year. From the year 2018 onwards, Vacancy Year stands shifted to Calendar Year. Accordingly from 2019 onwards, the crucial date for determining eligibility shall be the 1% of January of the Vacancy Year.

2.1.2 For timely convening of DPC it is essential for the concerned Ministry/ Department/Office/cadre authorities to take timely action for collecting all relevant documents, convening the DPC and seeking approval of the appointing authority. Ideally an officer should be identified as the nodal officer for ensuring timely convening of the DPC. For Gr. A Services/posts, Joint Secretary (Admn) of the administrative Department/ or Joint Secretary in-charge of the cadre concerned may be designated as the nodal officer. For other services/posts, Administrative Ministry may similarly identify nodal officers of equivalent level for the purpose.

2.1.3 A model Calendar as prescribed below may be followed so that it could be ensured that the select panel is ready before the commencement of the vacancy year. For practical reasons, a separate time-schedule for cases requiring approval of the Appointments Committee of Cabinet and cases, which do not require such approval, has been suggested.

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