Aadhar Card Home Enrollment Service for Senior Citizens | UIDAI Made a Home Enrolment Policy for bedridden, Infirm Persons with disabilities (Divyangjan) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Aadhar Card Home Enrollment Service for Senior Citizens | UIDAI Made a Home Enrolment Policy for bedridden, Infirm Persons with disabilities (Divyangjan)

Subject: Home Enrolment Service (Policy) for senior citizens/ bedridden/ infirm/ persons with disabilities (Divyangjan) etc on chargeable basis by UIDAI -reg.

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F.No. HQ-16024/4/2020-EU-I-HQ-Part(1)

Government of India

Ministry of Electronics & IT (MeitY)

Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI)

(Enrolment & Update-I)

7th Floor, UIDAI Headquarters,

Behind Kali Mandir, Bangla Sahib Road,

Gole Market, New Delhi-110001

Dated: 05 April, 2023.


Subject: Home Enrolment Service for senior citizens/ bedridden/ infirm/ persons with disabilities (Divyangjan) etc on chargeable basis -reg.

UIDAI has the mandate to issue unique identification number (UID) called "Aadhaar" to all eligible residents of India as well as NRIs on their arrival in India.

2. As the Aadhaar platform is being used to deliver various Government welfare services and benefits to the residents, the requirement of Aadhaar enrolment and update has emerged as a prime requirement among all segments of populace of the country.

3. UIDAI has been of late receiving requests from the residents for providing home enrolment facility, especially for senior citizens/bedridden/infirm/ persons with disabilities (Divyangjan) etc. Based on merit, UIDAI Regional Offices have been attending to such requests for home enrolment through the Registrars. However, considering the additional cost involved and absence of a specific policy or guidelines in this regard, the Registrars were reluctant to attend to such requests. The Authority noticed that this leads to inordinate delay or denial in providing home enrolment services to the needy residents.

4. As part of improving the ease of living and enhancing citizen centric approach, the Competent Authority approved the following process to address the home enrolment requests received by UIDAI Regional Offices through various channels.

General Guidelines:

a. The home enrolment service shall be extended on prior approval of the Regional Offices through UIDAI Registrars using ECMP client.

b. Home enrolment service will be extended only to senior citizens/ bedridden/infirm/ persons with disabilities (Divyangjan) on payment of service charges @Rs. 700/- (including GST).

c. While submitting the requests for home enrolment to Regional Offices, the resident to submit a copy of Medical Certificate from Registered Medical Practitioner, proof of age or copy of Disability ID card to prove the eligibility.

d. The home enrolment service charges will be charged in addition tonormal fee applicable for each transaction of demographic/ biometric update in Aadhaar as notified by UIDAI from time to time. If the service is availed by more than one resident at the same address (as per Aadhaar), Rs 700/- service charge (including GST) will be charged for first resident and @ Rs 350/- (including GST) for each additional resident.

e. Residents opting for this service to make the payment at the time of enrolment and the Registrar to provide a Tax Invoice to the resident, clearly mentioning the charges applied.

f. In case of National Social Assistance Program (NSAP) Pension Scheme beneficiaries, a copy of the Pension Sanction Order containing Beneficiary ID (specimen attached) to be submitted along with the request. The home enrolment facility may be provided to such residents through the State Government Registrar in camp mode at regular intervals without any home enrolment service charges subject to willingness of the State Government Registrar. However, normal fee applicable for update of demographic/ biometric fields in Aadhaar as notified by UIDAI from time to time will be charged from such residents also. The eligibility of such beneficiaries to be verified by UIDAI RO at https://nsap.nic.in/statedashboard.do?method=intialize using the Beneficiary ID of the applicant.

 g. Enrolments conducted outside the enrolment centres, without prior approval of Regional Office, shall be considered as irregular and be dealt with accordingly.

h. Regional Offices to map the service through the nearest Aadhaar enrolment centre available for home enrolment to make the service cost effective. In case UIDAI run ASKs are available at reasonable distance, the service to be arranged through ASK.

i. In case of request from residents for mobile number update, the possibility of updating mobile through IPPB to be explored. For address or document update services, the resident to be advised to avail of myAadhaar portal. UIDAI Regional Offices to consider home enrolment service for such cases only after due diligence.

j. Request for home enrolment shall not be considered as a matter of right and the service shall be arranged based on merit and other factors.

Home Enrolment Process:

a. The home enrolment request, along with valid supporting documents for Aadhaar enrolment/ update, should be submitted to the nearest UIDAI Regional Office/ State Office through email. The contact details of UIDAI Regional Offices/State offices are available at https://www.uidai.gov.in/en/contact-support/regional-offices.html

b. On receipt of home enrolment request, Regional Office to verify the submitted documents and approve or reject the request, as the case may be, and assign the task to the Registrar within 2 (two) working days under intimation to the resident. RO to also share a copy of the verified documents with the Registrar while assigning the task.

c. Once the Registrar is assigned the task, the Registrar shall fix the appointment with resident so as to complete the service within 7 days under intimation to the Regional Office. If slots are not available, the waiting time may go beyond 7 days (but not later than 15 days) for which the applicant and the Regional Office shall be informed by the Registrar within 2 (two) days of receiving the communication from the Regional Office.

d. The resident shall have option to cancel the request at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment by intimating the Regional Office/ State Office concerned and the mapped Registrar/Operator.

e. In case where the services couldn't be completed due to issues at resident level (non-availability of the resident, non-production of valid document(s), non- availability of power etc.) the service charges to be paid by the resident.

f. On completion of the service, the same should be intimated to Regional Office along with details of EID for monitoring the request status.

g. In case the request is rejected due to technical issues, Regional Office to arrange re-processing of such requests by the Tech Operations.

h. In case resident’s request is not successful due to any technical issues on first home enrolment service, and cannot be reprocessed, the Registrar to provide one more visit to the resident free of cost within 10 days from rejection of the request.

5. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

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