PS Group B Promotion (DPC/ZOC) 2023 | Promotion to PS Group ‘B’ Cadre against vacancies for the year 2023
Subject: Promotion to PS Group ‘B’ Cadre against vacancies for the year 2023 reg. A tentative zone of consideration (ZoC) for promotion (through DPC) to the PS Gr.B cadre for the vacancy year 2023.
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No. 9-10/2022-SPG-II
(SPG-II Section)
Dated: 28 March, 2023
Subject: Promotion to PS Group ‘B’ Cadre against vacancies for the year 2023 —reg.
With reference to the above subject, a tentative zone of consideration (ZoC) for promotion (through DPC) to the PS Gr.B cadre for the vacancy year 2023 is enclosed at Annexure-I.
2. The tentative ZoC-2023 has been prepared on the basis of seniority lists issued by SPN- II Section till date and name of the IP Line officials have not been included in the list as per details/remarks given in Annexure-II (comprehensive list). Any discrepancy with regard to details of officials falling in the ZoC, which is based on the seniority lists of IP Line officials from year 2002 to 2005, w.r.t. their seniority, date of birth, place of posting, wrong remarks etc. may be intimated to SPN-II section of this Department. Circles/Units are requested to contact ADG (SPN), D/o Posts, New Delhi-110001 in case any official whose name is not found in the tentative ZoC-2022 or seniority lists of IP Line officials for the year 2002 to 2005.
3. It is requested to furnish the information in respect of officials included in tentative ZoC- 2023 (Annexure-I) as per the format given at Annexure-III & Annexure-IV only.
4. Following points shall be noted while furnishing the information:
(i) Copy of APAR dossiers (duly attested by APMG/AD dealing with the staff matters) in respect of IP line officials for the period as per Annexure-III should be provided.
(ii) No Report Certificate: If there is no report for any period, ‘No Report Certificate’ with justified and acceptable reasons be prepared and submitted in the dossiers appropriately.
(iii) Vigilance Status: Latest vigilance status in respect of the officials should be mentioned specifically either “Clear” or “Not Clear” only in Annexure-III.
(iv) In respect of SC/ST candidates, an undertaking should be given as per Part-B of Annexure-III.
(v) Final APAR gradings of the said officials should be given in MS excel format (soft copy) only as per the format given at Annexure-V.
(vi) Copy of all orders/charge-sheets mentioned at Annexure-IV should he furnished.
(vii) The above information in respect of all officials belong to PwBDs category till the provisional/draft IP SL-2008 (up to S1.N0.37) are required to be provided invariably. Further, additional information in this regard is required to be submitted as per Annexure-I of this Department OM No. 9-12/2022-SPG-II dated 18.01.2023 (already available on DoP website).
5. The Circles/Units are requested that while furnishing latest vigilance status, it may be ensured that these officers are actually working in IP line in the Circle/Unit as on date of issue of vigilance status. If any officer in the above ZoC has already been promoted to PS Gr. B Cadre through DPC/LDCE or not in IP Line due to VRS, death, deputation, dismissal etc., full details of such cases with relevant records may also be furnished.
6. If any officer included in the zone is working in any Circle/Unit other than the one indicated against his/her name in the tentative ZoC-2023, the Circle concerned, where he/she is presently posted may furnish the above information without referring the matter to this office.
7. It is requested to furnish the above information including the information in MS excel format (soft copy) cited at Para-4(iv), in person, as per the schedule mentioned at Anenxure-VI.
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