Postal Directorate Officials Posting Guidelines | Up to the level of Assistant Superintendent Posts (ASP) Posting Guidelines
Subject: Guidelines to regulate posting of officials in the Directorate (Up to the level of Assistant Superintendent Posts)
No. X-07/27/2022-SPN-II
Dated: March 16. 2023
Download Guidelines to regulate posting of officials in the Directorate in PDF
I am directed to refer to Directorate letter no. 7-12/2017-SPN-II dated 04.04.2018 wherein guidelines for posting of officials from field unit in Directorate for cadres upto the level of ASP was circulated.
2. These instructions have been reviewed in view of changed cadre management of IP/ASP and revised guidelines are enclosed herewith for information of all concerned.
3. These instructions will supersede instructions contained in letter no. 7- 12/2017-SPN-II dated 04.04.2018 as amended from time to time. These instructions will come into force with immediate effect.
Annexure to letter no. X-07/27/2022-SPN-II dated.03.2023
Guidelines to regulate posting of officials in the Directorate (Up to the level of Assistant Superintendent Posts)
(a) These guidelines shall be followed for posting of officials upto the level of Assistant Superintendent Posts (ASP) in Directorate, whether against sanctioned posts of Directorate or on attachment basis. Term Directorate’ referred herein shall include Postal Directorate, Parcel Directorate. BD Directorate and PLI Directorate.
(b) Posting in Directorate shall be regulated in following ways:
(i) Directorate shall be treated at par with Postal Circle for transfer / posting of officials in the cadres of ASP and Inspector Posts (IP) against sanctioned establishment of Directorate.
(ii) Posting of officials in cadres of Lower Selection Grade (LSG). Postal Assistant (PA), etc.. posted against sanctioned post in Directorate, shall be termed as ‘Posting in Headquarter’.
(iii) Posting of officials in the cadres of ASP, IP. PA, etc.. over and above sanctioned posts in Directorate shall be done on ‘Attachment’ basis wherein pay and allowances will be drawn by parent Postal Circle of the official.
2. Guidelines for transfer / posting of ASP and IP in Directorate;
2.1 An IP who has successfully completed probation period shall be eligible for posting in Directorate.
2.2 Officials either working in cadre of ASP or on promotion to the cadre of ASP can be posted in Directorate.
2.3 Officials in the cadres of ASP and IP after posting in Directorate shall be transferred to Postal Circle only on their request (to be registered on online portal) or in interest of service, subject to availability of vacancy in Postal Circle concerned. Transfer of ASP / 1P from Directorate to Postal Circle / CEPT or vice versa shall not be covered under provisions of Rule 38.
2.4 ASP and IP posted in Directorate shall be rotated on completion of four year of their posting in a particular Branch / Division of Directorate. However, extension of tenure beyond four years in a Branch / Division, upto a maximum of one year, can be granted with approval of Member (Personnel).
3. Guidelines for ‘Posting in Headquarter’ (other than IP/ASP) and for posting on ‘attachment’ basis:
3.1 An official, who has successfully completed probation, wherever prescribed, shall be eligible for ‘Posting in Headquarter”.
3.2 ‘Posting in Headquarter’ shall initially be for a period of four years. After completion of four years in a particular Branch / Division, these officials will be transferred and posted in another Branch / Directorate. However, extension of tenure beyond four years in a Branch / Division, upto a maximum of one year, can be granted with approval of Member (Personnel).
3.3 An official who has completed one year of service in the present grade shall be eligible for posting on ‘Attachment’ basis.
3.4 Posting of an official on ‘Attachment’ basis shall be initially for a period of one year which can be extended on a yearly basis till services of the official are required by the concerned functional Division / Directorate.
3.5 Posting on “Attachment” basis shall be resorted to only in case of non-availability of vacancy in Directorate. Once vacancy becomes available in Directorate, existing employee working on attachment basis will be posted / adjusted against vacant post. While doing so, employee who has served for a longer period will be given preference over employee with less service in Directorate in the present grade.
3.6 Total number of officials in the cadre of Assistant Superintendent Posts and Inspector Posts to be posted in Directorate on attachment basis shall not exceed 25% of combined sanctioned establishment of ASP/IP in Directorate.
4. Procedure to be followed for selection of officials (upto ASP) for posting in Directorate: -
4.1 An official willing to work in Directorate shall submit application in the format at Annexure I through proper channel, duly endorsing advance copy to DDG (Personnel).
4.2 As and when there is requirement of staff in Directorate. request of willing official(s). either received through proper channel or advance copy, will be shared with Division / Directorate concerned to identify official suitable to their requirements. Directorate / Division concerned will be at their liberty to recommend any official outside the list provided by Personnel Division alongwith application from such employees in given format, who is otherwise eligible
4.3 After receipt of recommendation from Directorate / Division concerned, Personnel Division will issue order for posting of the official in Directorate.
4.4 Postal Circle(s) shall relieve the official(s) posted in Directorate, either on regular establishment or on "Posting in Directorate” or “Attachment” basis. within 30 days from issue of order by Directorate without fail.
5. Admissibility of pav and allowances, etc:
5.1 Officials posted on regular establishment or ‘Posting in Headquarter’ shall draw their pay and allowances from Directorate at the rate applicable in New Delhi. On their initial posting in Directorate, they shall be eligible to draw Transfer grant, as admissible.
5.2 Officials posted on regular establishment or “Posting in Headquarter’ on their transfer to Postal Cirele(s) shall be eligible to draw “Transfer grant’, only if they have rendered minimum three vears’ service in Directorate.
5.3 Officials posted on ‘Attachment’ basis will draw pay and allowances from their parent unit. These officials will be eligible to draw HRA and Transport allowance (integral part of salary) at the rate applicable at their parent unit.
However, these officials at the time of their posting in Directorate or repatriation to parent unit shall not be eligible to draw “Transfer grant’, Travelling allowance and Daily allowance. Further, official(s) working on attachment basis shall be eligible to draw TA/DA for official tour from their parent unit.
5.4 No additional allowance shall be paid for posting in Directorate on whatsoever basis.
6. Service matters:
6.1 All service matters of officials in the cadre of ASP and IP posted on regular establishment of Directorate will be dealt by Personnel Division.
6.2 Service matters, such as MACP, Promotion, stepping up of pay etc., of the officials "Posted in Headquarter” shall be dealt by their parent Circle. However, Service book of such official(s) shall be maintained in the Directorate and verification of service particulars, as required by Circle, will be provided by Directorate.
6.3 In case of officials posted on attachment basis, all service matters including the medical facilities (CGHS, AMA, ete.) will be dealt by parent unit of the official.
6.4 Officials posted in Directorate on ‘Posting in Headquarter’ or ‘Attachment’ basis (other than IP/ASP working on regular establishment) and willing to apply for deputation / contract in other organization(s) shall submit their requests directly to respective parent Circle with copy to Personnel Division. All the formalities, such as forwarding of application, vigilance clearance, NOC etc.. shall be done by the concerned Postal Circle. However, vigilance clearance may also be obtained from the Directorate. After selection for deputation, the official shall be relieved directly for new assignment without repatriation to parent Circle and service records of the official shall be sent to parent Postal Circle.
6.5 In the event of any omission/commission committed by an official, while working in the Directorate, the matter will be dealt by the Vigilance Section of the Directorate in consultation with the concerned Division.
7. Repatriation to parent Postal Circle:-
Official posted in Directorate on ‘Posting in Headquarter’ or ‘Attachment’ basis (other than IP/ASP working against regular establishment) can be repatriated to parent Postal Circle even before completion of approved period of such posting. However, in the event of disciplinary action being initiated against an official in the concerned Circle, the official shall invariably be repatriated to parent Postal Circle.
8. Competent authority for posting in Directorate:
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