Online GDS Transfer Portal (Rule 3 Transfer) 2023 opened for Applicants Registration - Procedure, Steps for registartion form - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Online GDS Transfer Portal (Rule 3 Transfer) 2023 opened for Applicants Registration - Procedure, Steps for registartion form

Online applications for GDS transfer 2023 can be filled from eligible GDS (Gramin Dak Sevaks) Applicants from 10.03.2023 to 18.03.2023 on the online portal

1. GDS employees can visit the below link for online transfer registration 2023.

Procedure, Steps to register online for GDS Transfers 2023:

Click on this link.

2. Then click on the Set/Reset password option if you have not reset the password

3. Type Employee id

4. Type the desired password.  Re-enter the password in the Next column.

5. Submit later

6. OTP will be sent to the registered phone.

7. Type the OTP and give the submit OTP.

8. After that login with employee id and newly created password

9. Enter the user id and password and select the utilities option on the screen that appears after logging in.  Select Rule 3 application in it.

10. The next screen will show the details of the GDS.  Some details will come automatically.  There is a place to give email address, after giving it, give Validate, then an OTP will come in the email address, type it and confirm.  We have to type some other personal details.

 11. After entering all the details click validate.  If all details are missing then error will be displayed.  If you have all the details, you will go to the next screen.

12. In the next screen you can select circle, division and office.  (An employee can see only eligible offices there).  An official can be given up to 10 options.

13. After giving all the options, give submit.  After submitting, a confirmation window will be displayed.  After giving Confirm, a request successfully completed message will appear.  Then a reference number will also be shown.  Note it down for future reference.

No modification is possible after submitting.  So give submit only after making sure that all the details are correct.

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