NAPE Postal Union Writes Letter to Postal Directorate regarding LDCE AAO Exam 2022 Results Issues /Discrepancies , Insists for Grace Marks
This is regarding the announcement of results/vacancies in AAO post for which
(Central Head Quarters)
[Affiliated to Federation of National Postal Organisation New Delhi]
No.17-2-17, P & T Quarters, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi - 110001
Mob : + 91 9959538622 Email :
Ref.: No. 1-11/AAD Exam/2022 Date: 20-03-2023
Sub: LDCE AAO exam 2022 — Declaration of results — grant of grace marks - reg.
Download NAPE Union Letter on LDCE AAO Exam 2023 in PDF
A total 616 vacancies were notified to be filled up by promotion through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 2022 for Assistant Accounts Officer, IP&TAFS Group- B (AAO LDCE 2022) vide notification dated 15.02.2022 and 23.05.2022 from eligible employees of the Department of Posts and Department of Telecommunications :-
As per Para 5 of Notification dated 15.02.2022, qualifying marks fixed for each category are as under :-
Category Qualifying Marks*
For Other Category 40% in each subject
For SC and ST Category 30% in each subject
*Eligible candidates securing qualifying marks in each of the papers will be considered for preparation of the vacancy year wise merit list.
A total 8619 candidates including the applicants were applied for the ibid examinations. Approximately 4250 candidates appeared into the above mentioned examination.
Out of above notified vacancies, only 231 candidates were placed in successful merit list issued on 02.12.2022. Consequently approximately 385 vacancies remained lying vacant. 62 % of notified vacancies are still vacant.
Year Vacancies Notified Vacancies Filled Vacancies Left vacant
2018 70 60 10
2019 122 73 49
2020 23 20 03
2021 10 09 01
2022 ) 391 ) 69 322
Total 616 231 385
This has mainly happened due to shortage of 5-7 marks in any of one paper out of six papers by many candidates. In other words only 231 candidates have been given qualifying marks all six papers, which shows that too many candidates, have not been able to secure qualifying marks due to very less margins and it mainly happened due to improper evaluation of answer sheets by the examiners. The answer sheets were evaluated by different-different evaluators which failed to attain uniformity in markings/evaluations.
Example of some applicants who appeared into the aforesaid exam with Roll Numbers mentioned below and obtained the marks as mentioned against each as per Postal Directorate, New Delhi letter dated 16 December 2022 :-
On perusal of above, it may be noticed that all applicants are qualified in all five papers except single paper. Although, they have secured good marks as well as good All India Rank in list of marks issued by the Department but not succeeded in securing place in merit list.
The last candidate selected from unreserved category (OC) (Roll No. 2208217) in merit list of dated 02.12.2022 of AAO LDCE 2022 has obtained total 285 marks, whereas score of applicants is much higher from the said competitor.
One thing is also important to mention here that all above applicants have secured good marks in all five papers and failed in sixth paper (One paper) with very less margins due to irregularities in valuation work.
In notification dated 15.02.2022, at Page No. 3 & 4, The pattern and syllabus of Paper-| is mentioned as under :-
The pattern and schema of the question papers is as follows :-
In the Question Paper (Paper-l) in Part C, the Department has not followed the notification and violated the same and published numerical question instead of theoretical questions. Question Number 5 (ii) and Question Number 7 (i) (Annexure). Applicants are required to do two questions out of Questions No, 5, 6 and 7. Each Question is for 20 Marks.
Therefore, there is no options against applicants to escape from numerical question. Therefore Bonus Marks (10 Marks) needs to be given in Paper-1 for this question to those candidates who attempted this question. By adding these Bonus Marks applicants who are lacking in Paper-I will be declared qualified in this paper.
It is also pertinent to mention here that, it was first descriptive type exam which was conducted without aid of books. Earlier AAO LDCE 2018 and previous examinations during which grace marks were provided were conducted with aid of books. Evaluations of answer “sheets in descriptive type papers from a model answer key is not justice to all aspirants and thorough knowledge to evaluators Is mandatory for smooth and fair evaluations. In the year 2018 (AAO LDCE 2018), the exam was conducted with the aid of the books whereas present AAO LDCE 2022 was conducted without aid of books. In addition to this, evaluation work was completed by a team of officers comprising of newly selected of AOs (Selected from AAO LDCE 2018) with lesser experience, lack of broad knowledge on the subject which leaded to maintain lack of uniformity in evaluation work.
Evaluation work was completed like that student of 11%" responsibilities to evaluate copies of students of 10th class. The situation is similar, in this case newly promoted Accounts Officers (Promoted Just 1-2 months before this exam) and who were promoted to AAO post from the last AAO LDCE 2018 (which was with aid of book exam) were entrusted the responsibilities for evaluation of coples. They don’t have vast knowledge of the subjects.
This exam was conducted without aid of books and writing of same answer as written into the books is not possible and candidate to write answer in his own language but meaning of both should be same. But it was not considered in mind during evaluation work. On review of photocopies of evaluated answer sheets received from the Department, it is noticed that mass irregularities have been made into the evaluation work into the papers in which some applicants are failed. Some of the irregularities are :-
In descriptive questions marks like 1.34, 0.8, 1.2, 0.25, 0.75, Zero etc are given to applicants which shows that evaluators had not correctly evaluated the answer sheets and given marks without any base. It is also important to mention that cutting in evaluation marks also creates suspense.
Main aim of Limited Promotional Examination/Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) is to find out best candidates among the available aspirants/examinees/employees to fill up promotional vacancies.
In similar situation, relaxation of grace marks was given during previous examinations of AAO LDCE vide orders dated 20.06.1995, AAO (SLDCE 2012) vide Postal Directorate notification number 3-30/2015-PACE/Exam(DE)/6099-6153 dated 23.02.2017 and during AAO LDCE 2018 also. During the AAO (SLDCE 2012), grace marks at the tune of 12 marks were given to all categories (OC, SC & ST) those who done well in all papers except single paper.
During AAO LDCE 2018, grace marks at the tune of 10 marks were given to all those who done well in all papers except single paper.
Such relaxation is also in orders as per AAO Recruitment Rules, 2018 as well as other relevant rules. Relaxation is to be considered for all categories of employees including OC, SC and ST. The candidates who have done reasonably well in all papers (Qualified in Five Papers) except a single paper, benefits of grace marks to the tune of 10 Marks should be limited to a single paper.
Matter needs to be considered in view of one paper relaxation on similar lines as provided in preceding examinations to AAO aspirants vide Postal Directorate letters dated 20.06.1995, AAO (SLDCE 2012) vide Postal Directorate Notification Number 3-30/2015- PACE/Exam(DE)/6099-6153 dated 23.02.2017 and during AAO LDCE 2018 vide Postal Directorate Notification No. 301(35)/2019/PA-Admn.l11/3127 to 3235 dated 20.01.2020 also.
Hence my union Demands following in the light of natural justice :-
It is therefore, necessary for the candidates to :-
1. Give Bonus Marks for Question 5(ii) and 7(i) of Paper-l (10 Marks for each) to applicants who attempted these questions.
2. Re-evaluate unmarked, wrong marked questions as mentioned by the candidates in their representations.
3. Allow grace marks at the tune of 10 marks to those candidates who have done reasonably well in all papers (Qualified in Five Papers) except a single paper, benefits of grace marks to the tune of 10 Marks should be limited only.
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