IP (Inspector Post) Cadre Restruturing Order | Upgradation of 225 ASP Posts to PS Group B Posts Order in Postal Department (DOP)
Subject: Cadre of Inspector Posts(IP) restructuring. A proposal of restructuring the cadre of Inspector Posts (IPs) in the Department of Posts was submitted to the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance. Department of Expenditure after examining the same conveyed its approval vide its I.D. Note No. 2(15a)/E.III Desk/2021 dated 21.03.2023, for upgradation of 225 posts of ASPOs (Level - 8) to P. S. Group 'B' (Level - 9) with simultaneous reduction in the strength of ASPOs (Level - 8) by 225 posts.
No. 25-36/2017-PE-I (Vol.III) Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (PE-I Section) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001 Dated: 29th March, 2022
Download IP ASP Cadre Restruring Order 2023 in PDF
Download Sanctioned Strength of IP ASP Posts in DOP in PDF
Subject: Cadre of Inspector Posts - restructuring thereof. A proposal of restructuring the cadre of
Inspector Posts (IPs) in the Department of Posts was submitted to the
Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance. Department of Expenditure after
examining the same conveyed its approval vide its I.D. Note No. 2(15a)/E.III
Desk/2021 dated 21.03.2023, for upgradation of 225 posts of ASPOs (Level - 8)
to P. S. Group 'B' (Level - 9) with simultaneous reduction in the strength of
ASPOs (Level - 8) by 225 posts.
2. P. S. Group 'B' posts to be created in
pursuance of the aforementioned approval, Circle’ wise, are as under: -
3. Circles to accordingly
create P. S. Group 'B' posts identified for their Circle and simultaneously
abolish equal number of ASP posts in the Circle.
4. Circles will accordingly
issue memo of creation/abolition of posts by 07th April, 2023. Copy of these
memos be endorsed to Establishment Division of Directorate for information and
5. Your attention is invited
to RB Division Memo No. 40'1212O22-Plg, dated 24.03.2023, on the subject
"Providing banking facility within five kilometres of all villages in the
country - creation of new posts", wherein 60 additional posts of IP cadre
have been sanctioned with the approval of Department of Expenditure, Ministry
of Finance.
6. The revised Circle-wise
strength of IP Cadre is annexed as Annexure-I.
7. Circle-wise summary/distribution
of 225 posts to be upgraded/created is given in Annexure-Il.
8. Steps to be taken by the
Circles for implementation of cadre restructuring:
» In case of other Units, i.e.
NSHs, BNPL Centres, CRCs, BPCs, Parcel Hubs and CPC (CBS), the Circles shall
first identity the required number of ASPOs posts for redeployment to these
» Thereafter, the Circles
shall upgrade these redeployed ASPOs posts to P. S. Group ‘B’ grade, in
pursuance of this order, to work as Manager/ In-charge of these Units.
» Thereafter, the Circles
shall update their Establishment Registers, i.e. reduce the number of ASPOs
posts and increase the P. S. Group ‘B’ posts by equal number.
» After completion of the
exercise; a compliance report may be furnished to this office.
9. For example, the Delhi Circle has been allocated total 14 posts of P. S. Group ‘B’, i.e. 1 (NSHs), 3 (BNPL), 1 (CRCs), 3 (BPCs), 1 (Parcel Hubs), 1 [CPC(CBS)] and 4 posts of Dy. SP for creation by upgradation of equal number ASPOs posts. The Circle shall first identify 4 Class -I Postal Divisions, which don’t have a post of Dy. SP. Thereafter, the Circle shall upgrade the post of ASP (HQ) to the P. S. Group ‘B’ grade in those 4 Class] Divisions (Postal/RMS), in pursuance of this order. In case of other Units, the Circle shall identify 10 posts of ASPOs and redeploy them to the aforesaid 10 units and then upgrade these posts to P. S. Group ‘B’ grade to work as Manager/In-charge of these Units.
10. The new posts of P. S.
Group ‘B’ will be deemed to have been created w.e.f. the dates they are filled
up, i.e. from the date the officials posted against these posts assume the
charge. Otherwise, the post will remain in the lower grade i.e. ASPOs.
11. These orders shall be
effective from the date of issue. However, the actual benefit would be
admissible to the eligible officials from the date of assumption of charge.
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