GDS Unions (AIGDSU & NUGDS) Minutes of Meeting (MoM) with DGPS | List of decisions were made related to GDS welfare 2023 by GDS Union PJCA
Subject: Minutes of meeting held on 13-03-2023 under the Chairmanship of DGPS in Dak Bhawan, New Delhi with the representatives of All India Gramin Dak Sevaks (AIGDSU) and National Union of Gramin Dak Sevaks (NUGDS).
Download Meeting Minutes of AIGDSU & NUGDS with DGPS in PDF
Department of Posts
(SR Section)
Dated: 14-03-2023
I am directed to enclose herewith copy of Minutes of meeting held 13-03-2023 under the Chairmanship of DGPS in Dak Bhawan, New Delhi with the representatives of All India Gramin Dak Sevaks (AIGDSU) and National Union of Gramin Dak Sevaks (NUGDS) for information and necessary action.
Minutes of the Meeting held on 13/03/2023 with All India Gramin Dak Sevaks Union (AIGDSU) and National Union of Gramin Dak Sevaks (NUGDS) under the Chairmanship of DG (Postal Services) in respect of proposed countrywide strike on 16th and 17th March,2023 under the banner of Postal Joint Council of Action (PJCA).
A Meeting under the Chairmanship of DGPS with the representatives of All India Gramin Dak Sevaks Union (AIGDSU) and National Union of Gramin Dak Sevaks (NUGDS) was held on 13/03/2023 in Dak Bhawan,New Delhi.
The following officers and representatives of the respective India Gramin Dak Sevaks Union (AIGDSU) and New Delhi. The Sevaks (NUGDS) was held on 13/03/2023 in Dak Bhawan, Associations attended the following officers and representatives of the respectiveAssociations attended the meeting:
The following decisions were taken during the meeting:
1. Grant additional increments to senior GDS for 12, 24 and 36 years of engagement as recommended by GDS Committee.
DGPS has directed that the norms related to income and cost of BOs should be revised by 31st March, 2023. After the revision of the norms, the GDS Section will submit the detailed proposal to IFW with justifications for onward transmission to Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure for their approval. (RB&Planning/GDS)
2. Enhancement of Group Insurance upto Rs.5 Lakhs,GDS Gratuity upto Rs.5 Lakhs medical Facility to GDS GDS Pension/SDBS
(i) Enhancement of Group Insurance upto Rs.5 Lakhs:
It was informed during the meeting that the proposal to enhance the GIS of GDS upto Rs.5 Lakhs is under examination in consultation with PLI Directorate and is at advance stage. The matter of enhancing the group insurance amount, the representatives were apprised of the bifurcation of saving fund and insurance fund proposed by the Accturian i.e.Rs.275 in saving fund Rs. 225 in the insurance fund. After vetting of the proposal by the GDS Section, PLI Dte will take further action to issue Gazette Notification by 31st March, 2023.
(ii) Gratuity upto Rs.5 Lakhs:
The recommendation with reference to GDS gratuity has already been implemented and further revision as demanded by union is not feasible at this point of time.
(iii) Medical facility:
The matter was taken up with M/o Health and Family Welfare to include GDS under the ambit of Ayushman Bharat. M/o Health and| forwarded the same to National Health Authority. This will be taken up with Chairman, National Health Authority for expediting the proposal for making provision to include GDS under PM-JAY scheme under the special dispensation.
(iv) Pension:
The GDS Section will consider and put up proposal for increasing contribution in SDBS on the same principles of NPS as applicable to regular employees.
(GDS Section)
3. Stop Fixing unscientific and impractical targets in the Directorate.
4. Issue instructions and guidelines to the lower level officers not to harass and not to put
it was informed in the meeting that a meeting chaired by DGPS with the Heads of Postal Circles was held on 21st February, 2023 where Circles were requested to direct their officials against applying undue pressure on staff and GDS for meeting targets during Melas. Attempt should be made to motivate the staff and GDS for account opening work all throughout the year with focus on positive reinforcement.
Further, the instructions given in the VC were shared with the Union representatives with a covering letter and copy of the minutes(copy enclosed).
5. Allow substitute arrangenment in place of GDS while GDS is leave irrespective of Workload.
The GDS Section will reiterate the instruction of substitute arrangement.(GDS Section) Other issues.
The Associations also raised the following additional issues:
1. Educational Qualification for GDS engagement may be revised from 10th standard to 12th standard. This will be examined in the light of extant instructions and future requirements. (Action: DDG(Establishment)
2. That IPPB incentive is not being paid in time and the amount of incentive also needs to be revised which is very nominal at present. DDG(IPPB) wil review the structure. (Action: DDG(IPPB)
3. That provision may be made to provide laptops/tablets in the BOs as the RICT device have become dysfunctional in many cases at many places.(Action: DDG(RB& Planning)
4. That there is no provision for TA/DA for attending training by the GDS. Training division will look into the matter. (Action: DDG(Training)
5. That the expenses for the electricity for running the Branch Office are also borne by the GDS and in most of the cases, the charges are on commercial rates. It was informed by the GDS that in Kerala, a order has been issued by the state government that electricity charges for the BOs will be as per domestic rates. Union was requested to share the orders with Directorate.
(Action: DDG(Establishment)
DGPS directed that the progress on above issues will also be reviewed and the Associations will be informed of the outcome of the efforts in the month of May 2023
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