GDS Online Engagement (Cycle V) SOP | Download GDS Online Selection Process (pre and post engagement activities) 2023 in PDF
Subject: GDS online Selection (Engagement) Schedule-I (Cycle 5) of 2023 (January) - Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for pre and post engagement activities.
Download GDS Online Selection (Cycle 5 Engagement) Process SOP in PDF
File No. 17.21/2022-GDS
(Annexure-A to letter No. No.17-21/2022-GDS Dated 01.03.2023)
l. GDS Pre-engagement (Verification of Documents -VoD) activities:
(i) As per the notification dated 27.01.2023 in respect of the online engagement in this schedule, the candidates had option to select a Verifying Authorlty for verification of physical documents (refer to para3.3 of Annexure-V of notification). They were advised to select the Divlsional Head (as VA) of the Division in which a candidate was applying or alternatively any other Divisional head near to his/her place. Therefore, a short-listed candidate have option to approach any Divisional Head for physical VoD as per his/her choice while submittlng his/her application.
(ii) The shortlisted candidates are allowed a total of 15 days period to submit the documents for verification, i.e., initially for 10 days followed by a reminder and five more days for the same. The date by which the candidate is required to submit the documents will be mentioned in the email sent to the candidate through Portal.
(iii) If a candidate fails to report to the Verlfying Authority within a prescribed maximum period of 15 days, he/she will be treated as 'Non-turned up' by the system/portal and his/her candidature will be cancelled.
(iv) The shortlisted candidates while attending the selected Divisions for physical VoD with the Verifying Authority (VA) within the prescribed period, would bring original documents as listed below and two sets of self-attested photocopies thereof for submission:
. Marks/Board sheet, Matriculation certification, if available.
. Community/Caste certificate/Category certificate, if applicable.
. PWD certificate, if applicable.
. Transgender certificate, if applicable.
. Date of Birth Proof
. Medical certificate issued by a Medical officer of any Government Hospita/Government
Dispensaries/Government Primary Health Centre etc. (Original to be kept in the PF of the GDS)
(v) Provision has been kept in the Portal for Divisional Head (VA) to delegate the work of VoD to any of the officers under his control not below the rank of ASPOs/IPs (referred to as VA) in consultatlon with CEPT, who will authorize such officer in the system to carry out the task assigned. The expression 'Verifying Authority (VA)" being used, hereinafter, will include Divisional Head/designated officer.
(vi) On arrival oF the shortlisted candidate for VoD at the designated office, the VA will login in the portal with his/her credentials. The VA after selecting < Registration Number> of the candidates from the <verification Tab>, click on <Send OTP> button. The system will generate an OTP on the registered mobile number of the candidate, which the latter would require to share with the VA for further processing. VA will also require to maintain a document verification register (DVRVA) to keep a record of the candidates approaching for VoD in the format given in the Annexure -I.
Following steps would be followed for verification of documents by VA in different scenarios mentioned hereunder:
(a) Scenario-A: - Candidate brings all the requisite documents
(i) VA/designated official will enter the particulars of documents submitted for verification in the DVRVA. Signature of the candidate will also be obtained in the relevant column. The documents entries in the DVRVA will be signed by the designated official receiving the documents and counter signed by the VA.
(ii) Two sets of duly self-attested copies of documents will be retained by the VA.
(iii) All the documents after scanning will be uploaded in the system.
(b) Scenario-B' - The candidate reports with some documents or with no documents.
(i) An undertaking from the candidate as annexed at Annexure-II to be taken in respect of documents not submitted.
(ii) VA to scan and upload the documents submitted by the candidate in the portal, including undertaking obtained from him/her in the format glven in the Annexure-II in respect of documents not submitted.
(vii) Further Processing:
(a) After uploading the documents, a new page gets opened in the Portal, where options for accepting/rejecting the candidate with dialogue box <Tallied> or <Not Tallied> will be displayed.
(b) In case of data/marks fed in the poftal by the shortlisted candidate are found to be mismatched with that of mentioned in the original documents, as well as in the scenario'B' the VA will press the <Not Tallied> button.
(c) In case of all the documents found to be correct, VA will press the <Tallied> button.
(d) In both the cases (Tallied or Not Tallied), the system would also provide a list of remarks. The VA will select the appropriate remarks, if any and save/update the page.
(e) The verificatlon status would now be changed to " Document upload and verification compteted" against the < Registration No.> in the document verification page. A button will be displayed against the <Registration No.> to download the acknowledgment, a copy of which will be given to the shortlisted candidate and a copy will be retained.
(f) The verification status of candidates will be frozen in the system/portal after two days of completion of completion of verification stage in the Portal. During this period, a <Reversal Window (one time)> would be available to VA for correcting mistakes, if any, carried out in the verificatlon process of the candidates.
(viii) A system-generated Offer of Provisional engagement [OPE] will also be sent to successfully verified candidates on their registered emails (and information through SMS) in due course. The system will also sent information to the candidates whose VoD was not successful through SMS and Registered Email.
2. GDS Joining process:
2.1 Joining process will include the following activities:
(a) Updation of candidate turned up status.
(b) Physical verification of the documents by the Engaging Authorities
(c) Verification of the Educational Certificate/mark sheet from the website of the Education Board concerned or digilocker.
(d) Three days basic training of the selected candidates
(e) Issue of Order of Provisional Engagement
2.2 The manner in which the above activities are to be carried out are as under:
(i) On issue of the OPE , llst of such candidates will be available on the Engaging Authorities (EA) module in the Portal to the concerned EA.
(ii) On receipt of the OPE, the selected candidate will be required to approach the EA concerned within specified period of 15 days ,i.e., system will initially provide a period of 10 days for reporting and a reminder for the same and extended time of 05 more days.
(a) Scenario A: Selected Candidate fails to reach the EA within prescribed period of 15 days
(i) If the selected candidate fails to report the Engaging Authority within stipulated period, his/her candidature will automatically be treated as rejected by the system.
(b) Scenario B: Candidates reports to the EA within stipulated period and vA (Divisional Head) and EA [Divisional/Sub Divisional Head] are different
(i) On reporting of the successful candidate to the EA the candidate turned up status will be updated immediately in the portal. If the status is not updated till the last date of reporting, the system will reflect "Final Date expired" and would allocate next candidate against the said post. The EA will be held personally responsible for not updating the candidate turned up status.
(ii) On updation of the turned up status, the EA will take a print out of the application of candidate from GDS online portal and keep the same in personal file.
(iii) The candidate will submit original documents with photo copies (duly self-attested by candidate), i.e., Mark sheet/certificate, community certificate, category certificate etc. for the verification by EA with application as per Annexure-III. The photocopy of the documents will kept in the personal file of the candidates.
(iv) The documents so collected by the EA will be entered in the Document Verlfication Register for EA (DVREA) in the format given in the Annexure-IV.
(v) Original documents will be returned to the candidate on same day under proper receipt.
(vi) EA will cross check the data entered in the application downloaded from the portal, viz, marks/Grades/CGPAs/percentage, Name, fathers name, DOB, community, PWD, transgender, local language and board configuration etc. with the original documents.
(vii) If any discrepancy is found, the same will be noted in DVREA and candidature will be rejected in the portal by providing appropriate remark.. The signature of the candidate will be obtained on the DVREA and the EA will also sign in the relevant column in token of having cross checked the data.
(viii) If no discrepancy found in the cross checking of the data entered by the candidate, following action will be taken for verification mark sheet/certificates ,
(a) Marksheet/certificate available on the website of the Board or Digi-locker
(i) If 10th Standard Mark SheelBoard Certificate etc are available for verification on the website of the Board concerned or the Digi locker platform, the verification will be carried out by the EA from the concerned source and a Printout taken from the source will be kept in personal file duly attested by the VA/EA
(ii) In case of no discrepancy is found, further action will be taken as per sub para (ix) below.
(iii) In case of any discrepancy found in the 1Oth mark Sheet/Board certificate in the verification or marksheet/certificate found to be fake, the candidature of the selected candidate will be cancelled immediately.
(b) Mark sheet/Certaficate not available on the website of the Board or Digi-locker
In case the facility of verification of mark sheet/certificates of Secondary School Board are not available on the Online or Digilocker platforms, 10th class mark sheet,board Certificate will be got verified from the issuing authorities, as part of Post-engagement activities in the manner explained in Para 3.2 (ii) below.
(ix) 3 days basic training if no discrepancy is noticed in verification from online platform/digilocker or non-availability of such facility
(a) In both the cases [a (ii) and b of sub para (viii) above] a basic training of three days covering handling of IT devices, Mail Delivery, SBISC work etc. will be imparted immediately to the candidate before provisional engagement. This will be in addition to 15 days training to be imparted them as per letter No.01-64/2009-Trg dated 22.06.2022 of the Training Division in due course.
(b) A training completion remark will be updated on the GDS online portal by the EA on completion of the three days basic training, else a report with reason for not imparting training will be submitted to next higher authority.
(x) Issue of System Generated Order of Provisional Engagement On completion of the aforesaid basic training of three days, the candidate will be engaged provisionally and the Order of Provisional enoaoement generated through system will be issued immediately to candidate. The EA will update the details of date of Joining of candidate in the portal.
(xi) Regularization of Engagement
The provisional engagement of candidate will be regularised by issuing Reoular Engagement order upon successful verification of all relevant documents from the issuing authorities and receipt of a satisfactory report of antecedent verification report from concerned police authorities. This should be completed within a period of 6 months from Provisional engagement of the GDS.
Scenario C: Candidates reports to the EA within stipulated period. The VA (Divisional Head) is EA (Divisional Head) itself
All the Actions as applicable Scenario B of para 2 [joining Formalities] will be taken by the EA (Divisional Head). However, he will not require for enter the details of such candidates in DVREA.
Scenario D: Candidates reports to the EA within stipulated period. EA (Sub Divisional Head) is under control of VA/EA (Same Divisional Head)
Actions from (i) to (viii) as applicable in Scenario B of para 2 poining Formalitiesl , will also be taken by the Divisional Head and list of such candidates with their respective PF will be sent to the EAs for carrying out the actions (ix) to (xi) above. In such cases, DVREA will not be required to be maintain by the Divisional Head.
3. GDS Post engagement activities
3.1 Post engagement activities will included the following activities:
(i) Verification of Educational Certificates/mark sheets if verification is not possible through online modes as stated in para 2 above.
(ii) Verification of other certificates from concerned issuing authorities (caste certificate/category certificate etc.)
(iii) Antecedent verification through concerned police authorities 3.2 The manner in which above activities are to be carried out, is discussed as under:
(i) Verification of documents ( other than the educational certificates) from the issuing authorities concerned and police verification will be initiated within one week from the issue of Order of Provisional Enqagement to the candidate.
(ii) For verification of the educatlonal mark sheets/certificates a provision is made to generate consolidated board wise/Circie wise /EA wise lists of candidates (to whom provisional engagement order is issued) along with copy of mark sheets uploaded on the system at the Circle Office level. The HOC concerned (i.e., the HOC of the Circle under whose territorial jurisdiction the board has its headquarter) will depute responsible officer and get the details verified from concerned Board. The verification result be updated /uploaded in the system.
(iii) If the document verification (other than educational documents) /police verification process is not completed within 3 months, the respective Engaging Authorities (Sub Divisional Head/Divisional Head) will bring it to the notice of next higher authority, i.e., DO/CO/RO for taking up the matter at their Level with the concerned authorities.
(iv) The engaging authority concerned will take necessary action in accordance with the GDS (Conduct & Engagement) Rules. 2020 amended from time to time and the law for the time being in force, in the cases where a verification reports are not found satisfactory.
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