GDS Harassment in the name of irrational targets - Postal Directorate issued Action Points to Postal Staff, Unions - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams
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GDS Harassment in the name of irrational targets - Postal Directorate issued Action Points to Postal Staff, Unions

Subject: Harassment of GDS in the name of irrational targets — regarding.

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Please refer to issue raised your GDS Unions regarding harassment of GDS in the name of achieving targets in the field offices. In this respect, I am directed to inform that the Department while reviewing the revenue targets in the meeting held with Head of Circles on 21.02.2023 through video conferencing, chaired by DGPS had specifically issued directions to the Circles against applying undue pressure on GDS and other staff for meeting targets. A copy of the action points of the said meeting dated 21.02.2023 is enclosed for your reference.

Action points emanating from the revenue target review meeting chaired by Director General Postal Services with Head of Postal Circles, 21st February 2023.

Circles to focus on activating BOs which are not opening new POSB accounts, either in normal days or during Melas. DDG (FS & PBI), DDG (RB & Plg) and GM (PLI) in collaboration with some field Officers to formulate a plan, by 1st March 2023, to activate the dormant BOs; the Action Plan shall be implemented over next six months.

Circles were requested to avoid separate melas for POSB, PPB, PLI etc. All activities be clubbed in a single mela. Also, Circles be given freedom to plan melas as per their local conditions. Detailed instructions on melas to be drafted in collaboration with FS Division and PLI Directorate as discussed during the VC.

DDG (FS & PBI) and DDG (Mission Karmayogi) to collectively make a plan to train and motivate BO employees to improve their productivity.

In view of the several complaints received from Staff Unions, Circles are requested direct their officials against applying undue pressure on staff and GDS for meeting targets during Melas. Attempt should be made to motivate the staff and GDS for account opening work all through the year with focus on positive reinforcement.

Feedback on the implementation of SoPs of PLI Directorate related to customer services be obtained through a VC with end users. This would enable PLI Directorate to ascertain the gaps in service delivery. The VC should be done by 15th March, 2023 by PLI Directorate.

For enhancing PO revenue, Circles to focus on large customers who only can give a boost to Circle PO revenue. Circle and Region Heads to focus on meeting customers who can give bulk business.

For getting new business the focus of Circles should be on delivery of parcels and other accountable articles. Circles to monitor scanning and delivery efficiency on a daily basis.

Circles to identify PA / SA / IPO / ASP who are interested in social media and assign them the task of onboarding all staff, including GDS to follow the social media handles of HMoC / HMoSC so that they can stay abreast with the statements of Hon’ble Ministers.

By 28 February 2023, all employees and GDS to follow the social media handles of India Post, HMoC and HMoSC; Circles to send compliance report to Marketing Division by 2nd March 2023.


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