DO PLI Roles and Responsibilities | Download DO (Development Officer) PLI (Postal Life Insurance) Roles and Responsibilities in PDF - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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DO PLI Roles and Responsibilities | Download DO (Development Officer) PLI (Postal Life Insurance) Roles and Responsibilities in PDF

As per the new promotion structure of PLI RPLI issued by PLI Directorate, DO (PLI)s are now attached to divisions. These Development Officers are having the responsibility of developing PLI/RPLI business in divisions. Their responsibilities include marketing of PLI/RPLI business. meeting prospective customers, training and nurturing of Direct Agents in the division and procuring PLI/RPLI business through Direct Agents However it has come to the notice of this office that in some of the divisions the service of DO (PLI)s are not effectively utilized for the promotion of PLI/RPLI business. 

Download DO (Development Officer) PLI Roles and Resposibilities in PDF

In this connection the important duties and responsibilities of DO(PLI)s are summarized below for guidance and necessary action.

1. DO (PLI) should promote PLI/RPLI business in the division to achieve target set for the Division

2. DO (PLI) should undertake extensive tour/visit in the Division for meeting prospective customers in connection with marketing of PLI/RPLI business

3. DO(PLI) should develop a team of Direct Agents not less than 100 sales force and impart training to them. 

4. DO(PLI) should maintain database of potential and prospective customers like training institute /Central/State govermment/PSU/Private organization/Professional and coordinate with Direct Agents for procuring PLI business. 

5. Weekly visits to CPCs with a view to ascertain the quality of proposal /other service request processing

6. Arrange medical examination of PLI proposals.

7. Explore possibilities of Cross selling departmental products like SB and PMSBY schemes which are best suited fo insurance customers.

8. DO (PLI)s may also conduct enquiry in case of PLI/RPLI death claims whenever required.

9. DO (PLI)s may maintain fortnight tour diary and it should be submitted to the divisional head for review.

10. DO (PLI) should not remain idle at Divisional office to work as Divisional office OA.

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