All India Postal Strike deferred to April 2023 by Postal GDS Unions (AIGDSU & NUGDS)
The two-day strike from March 16th call given by major postal unions in the Indian Postal sector have been deferred to April 2023.
CHQ), First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007
T-24 Atul Grove Road, New Delhi-110001
Ref: No.GDS/CHQ/ 1/5/2023
Dated: 15-03-2023
Sub: Two days proposed Post Office strike from 16th March 2023 has been postponed.
You are aware that we served two days strike notice to be held from 16.05.2023 to 17.03.2023. in the mean time the Department called a meeting on 13.03.2023 under the chairmanship of the Director General of Posts. The meeting was attended by GDSPJCA Chairman & Convenor. It was held in a cordial atmosphere.
This time a date line has been fixed for finalization of some prelims we had consultation with Circle Secretaries like any democratic organisation there was no unanimity of opinion. Comrades, we have to take a balanced view based on the entirely of the proceedings of the meeting. We proceed inch by inch and donot stand forever on a particular point we believe in dymenim and marching forward.
The Department has given a definite date line up to 31.03.2023. We give them 15 days more time to chinch the issues by 15.04.2023.
And, therefore, keeping all developments in view the GDS Action Committee defers the strike till 15-04-2023. There after we shall be free to take our decision.
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