POSB Maha Mela from 20th to 24th February 2023 | Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) Mela (Camps) 2023
Subject: POSB Maha Mela during 20th to 24th February, 2023 – Reg.
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No. FS-10/17/2022-FS-DOP
(FS Division)
Dated: 11.02.2023
This has reference to the revised POSB targets assigned to the Circles vide Postal Directorate letter of even number dated 23.12.2022. There was an overall revenue shortfall of ₹ 375 crore as on 31st December, 2022. Circles have added ₹ 112 crore POSB revenue by adding more than 46 lakh accounts and 13 lakh certificates transactions (issued / discharged) till 7th February, 2023. However, there is still a shortfall of more than ₹ 260 crore to be covered in the last weeks of the current financial year.
2. During the POSB Maha Mela during 28-31 January 2023, Department was able to open almost 35 lakh accounts and certificates. However, barely 10% of the Departmental and Branch Post Offices could make significant contribution in the Campaign. Participation of each of the 1.59 lakh post offices in the Account Opening Drive is absolutely essential to ensure remaining POSB revenue shortfall is made good.
3. It has accordingly been decided to conduct the Maha Mela during 20-24 February, 2023 with the aim to ensure at least 50 accounts are opened by every post office. It is requested not to adopt unethical practice or splitting of accounts during the Maha Mela. Top performers crossing the threshold communicated earlier vide letter of even number dated 20th January, 2023 (copy enclosed) will be duly recognised and felicitated.
This issues with the approval of Member (Banking & DBT).
Encl: As above.
Yours faithfully
(Manoj Kumar Yadav)
Director (CBS / FS)
Copy to:
1. GM, CEPT with a request to ensure seamless Finacle operation and Finacle access both in Departmental as well as Branch Post Offices during the Maha Mela.
2. ADG (Marketing) with a request to give wide publicity to POSB Maha Mela on Social Media in co-ordination with the Circles for amplifying the desirable outcome.
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