IPPB PM Kisan Campaign | PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Campaign (DOP/IPPB) from 01.02.2023 to 15.02.2023 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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IPPB PM Kisan Campaign | PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Campaign (DOP/IPPB) from 01.02.2023 to 15.02.2023

No. PB-01/1/2023-PBI-DOP

(PBI Division)

Dated 03 February 2023

Subject: "PM - KISAN SAMMAN NIDHI campaign" from 01.02.2023 to 15.02.2023.

Download PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Campaign circular in PDF

I am directed to refer to the DO letter no. PB-01/1/2023-PBI-DOP dated 2nd February, 2023 from Secretary (Posts) related to opening of Aadhaar seeded accounts of 1.46 crore PM KISAN beneficiaries who are not able to receive the PM KISAN SAMMAN NIDHI due to non-availability of Aadhaar seeded bank accounts.

2. To execute the mandate IPPB field teams have started meeting regional level agricultural officers to obtain lists of targets beneficiaries in their locations and further will arrange local acquisition camps to open Aadhaar seeded accounts of beneficiaries so that they can receive the DBT benefits of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi into their newly opened IPPB accounts. IPPB field teams are also providing respective beneficiary lists to the local End users for account opening

3. To fulfil its role effectively, IPPB needs to open Aadhaar seeded accounts of the aforementioned 1.46-Crores PM-Kisan beneficiaries across the country. The combined effort of DoP and IPPB will be required for the effective execution of the mandate given by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer's Welfare to IPPB.

4. A campaign"PM - KISAN SAMMAN NIDHI" from 01 February to 15 February 2023 has been launched by IPPB to execute the mandate received from Ministry of Agriculture. The campaign details and targets for Circles are given in Annexure-I and II respectively.

3. Therefore, all the Circles are requested to motivate the End users to enthusiastically open Aadhaar seeded accounts of the DBT Beneficiaries so that they can receive the DBT benefits of PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi into their newly opened IPPB accounts.

IPPB PM Campaign Contest (Campaign) Details:

Campaign duration:

01st Feb, 2023 -15th Feb, 2023,

Campaign stakeholders:

* Entire set of End user's fraternity,

* Combined Leadership teams from DoP & IPPB from all levels starting

CircLe tiLL Branch

Expected Outcome:

* PM-KISAN Aadhaar Seeded KHATAS: 1-Crore+

* Activation of 5O%+ ofthe entire End users base, le. 70,000+ end-users

Bucketing of Business Units (only Circle & Region level):

Circle Level: Circles are divided into 3 eategories basis their target allocation

of 50% of respective target benelicaries

Large: Targets equaling to or above 600,000

Medium: Targets in between 150,000 -  599,999

Small: Targets below 150,000,

Region Level: The 63 Regions lIkewise will be bucketed proportionally in 3 groups basis their campaign targets, which will be a breakup of their respective Circe level targets

Campaign RAR:

End Users

* Rs. 20/- per account for the LO end users ONLY subject to Minimum 25


* All to be opened under the “PM-KISAN Regular” or “PM-KISAN

Premium” mandate

* All to be successfully AADHAAR seeded accounts.

* 20/- per eligible account incentive wil be separate fom the existing

SSBPRM incentive construct

DoP circles

1. Top 2 circies trom each category on Target vs Achievement % age subject to minimum no. of accounts (as defined in the matrix below)

2 Top circle in each category on absolute numbers

3. Appreciation Certificate & R&R fellcitation ceremony will be conducted at a Sultable offsite location where the Winners will be fellcitated at the hands of the Secretary (Posts)

DoP Regions

1. Top 3 regions from each category on Target vs Achievement Sage subject to minimum no. of accounts (as defined in the matrix below)

2. Top 2 region n each category on absolute numbers

3. Appreciation Certificate & R&R felictation ceremony will be conducted at a suitable offsite location where the Winners will be fellcitated at the hands of the Secretary (Posts)


DoP Divisions:

1. The Top Division of the Circle wall come into play ONLY if ther respective CIRCLE is also figuring in the R&R winner's list

2. Top Divisan in the winner circle nominated by CPMG of the circle based on performance In the contest

3. Appreciation Certificate & RAR felictation ceremony will be conducted at a Sultable offsite location where the Winners will be felicitated at the hands of the Secratary (Posts)

Pertinent to note here that separate mandate schemes in the name of “PMKISAN-Regular” & "PMKISAN-Premium” has been created in the IPPB account opening process.

The end users while inating the account opening of the prospective PM- KISAN beneficiaries has to compulsory start by choosing the correct mandate name and then proceed with the account opening. Needless to mention but Very important that the Aadhaar seeding is done 100% on each and every

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