India's G20 Logo Theme elements and guidelines | Download G20 Logo Theme Guidelines/Rules in PDF 2023
Subject: India's G20 Logo-Theme elements and guidelines - reg.
Download India's G20 Logo Theme elements and guidelines in PDF
No. Z-92011/110/2022-Coord./O&M
Dated: 09.02.2023
Please find enclosed herewith a copy of D.O. Letter No. G20(B)/302/1/2022 dated 06.02.2023 received from G-20 Secretariat, Ministry of External Affairs on the subject mentioned above forwarded therewith guidelines for use of G20 Logo for information and compliance.
Muktesh K. Pardeshi OSD (G20-Operations) (Secretary Rank)
No. G20 (B)/302/1/2022
February 06, 2023
Kind reference is invited to email dated 17 November 2022 on India's G20 Logo-Theme Elements and Guidelines'.
2. It may kindly be noted that India's G20 branding is centred around the Logo and Theme that were unveiled by the Hon'ble Prime Minister on 8 November 2022. The use of the Logo in various contexts and applications is defined by a set of comprehensive guidelines that were shared vide email dated 17 November 2022. The need for amplifying and mainstreaming the use of Logo was also reflected in Cabinet Secretary's DO Letter No. 1/48/8/2022-Cab dated 8 November, 2022. However, deviations from these guidelines have been observed during recent G20 meetings, such as non-use of Logo, use of incomplete Logo, e.g., without HRd 2023 India', incorrect use of Logo colours, incorrect placement of map within the Logo, etc.
3. In this regard, Ministries and States are requested to use India's G20 Logo and Theme prominently in all publicity creatives related to G20 meetings as per stated guidelines. Further, Union Ministries/Departments and State/UT governments are encouraged to incorporate the theme, 'वसुधैवकुटुम्बकम्' (VasudhaivaKutumbakam in the original language text ONLY) 'One Earth One Family One Future', along with the Logo. The latest Logo Guidelines are therefore, being reiterated herein for reference (attached as Annexure A).
G-20 Secretariat, Sushma Swaraj Bhawan, 15-A Rizal Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-21 Tel: +91 11 2415 6502 1 Email:
4. Besides the above, some States/Ministries have also been putting up flags of various G20 member and invitee countries in and around meeting venues. In a few cases, incorrect display of flags, upside down flags etc., have been noticed. As this is a sensitive issue, correctness of any flags being used may be closely checked before displaying the same for city/venue branding.
5. It is requested that these observations and suggestions may be adhered to for the upcoming meetings.
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