Implementation of revised GDS online engagement process | AIGDS Union Writes to Postal Secretary to consider changes in Online engagement Process
ALL INDIA GRAMIN DAK SEVAKS UNION (AIGDSU) WRITES TO POSTAL SECRETARY for implementing Revised GDS online engagement process.
Central Head Quarters,
Padam nagar, Delhi-110007.
Ref. No. GDS/CHQ/9/21/2021 Date 08-02-2023
Sub:- Implementation of revised GDS online engagement process.
Download AIGDSU Letter on GDS online engagement process in PDF
1). Your office letter No. 17-23/2016-GDS dated 06.08.2021 & 25.04.2022.
2) No.17-21/2022-GDS Dated 24.01.2023.
A kind reference is invited to our letter of even no. Date 31-08-2021, 04- 05-2022 on the above subject, we are mentioning here under a few suggestive points which directly and adversely affect the GDS appointee: -
(a) Sub Division wise vacancies should be announced indicating member of vacancies of BPMs/ABPMs
(b) The candidate should be resident of the sub Division or at best division.
(c) The candidate should clearly state in the application whether the application is for engagement as BPM or ABPM.
(d) The candidate should not be allowed to apply for engagement against both BPM and ABPM.
(e) The states with Hindi language have been facing the issue of vacancies as it is a common language in the northern region of the country. For example, Uttarakhand, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand are facing combination of duties as a result of the same.
(f) The candidate selected against a post should be clearly warned that if he does not join the post, the appointment will be given to the next candidate on the list.
(g) The emoluments mentioned are Rs 12,000/- for BPMs and Rs 10,000/- for ABPMs. These emoluments are granted to the GDS with 4 Hours of workload. There are ascertained posts where emoluments for BPMs are already fixed at Rs14,500/- for BPMs and Rs 12,000/- for ABPMs. Justice demands that the candidates appointed at post with 5 hrs work load should be given the starting pay Rs 14,500/- in case of BPMs and Rs 12,000/-in case of ABPMs (for incumbent posts).
(h) Adequate means of livelihood. The condition requires the candidate for appointment to have adequate another source of income to support himself and his family. There two points which strike the mind.
(i) This condition is unrealistic and not based on ground realities. In the rural are no part time jobs available. Secondly this means that the best minds with no other source of income will be denied this job and this is the starkest injustice. Therefore this condition should be removed.
(ii) The explanation to justify the condition “says to support himself and his family”. This means that GDS are paid a starving wage which is against the right to live. Here a very pertinent question asides: why the GDS cannot be paid a living wage based on hours of work taking all items of work into account by doing away with honoraria and removing the condition of “not more than five hours of work”.
(iii) Residence accommodation for locating the Branch P.O.:- Here a distinction between standard and non - standard accommodation has been and composite allowance for Rs 500/- for standard accommodation and Rs 250/- for non standard accommodation has been proposed. This is only exploitative. The dream accommodation that has been prescribed will be available in rural areas only in thoughts and imagination. This distinction has only and not on ground. This is aimed at denying full composite allow and must be removed. We, therefore, request you kindly to consider our sentiments expressed above and cause necessary action to be taken.
With high regards,
Yours faithfully,
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