Exemplary Performance in Opening of SSA Accounts by the Postal Circles on the occassion of AMRITPEX 2023, Secretary Hails Circles - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Exemplary Performance in Opening of SSA Accounts by the Postal Circles on the occassion of AMRITPEX 2023, Secretary Hails Circles

This has reference to the exemplary performance of the Circles in opening Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSA) Accounts on the occasion of AMRITPEX 2023 during 9-10 February, 2023.

Download Secretary Post Appreciation Letter in PDF

DO No. FS-10/17/2022-FS-DOP

date : 13.02.2023

2.  I place on record my deep appreciation of the efforts of the Post Office staff in the field for opening almost 11 lakh accounts against the target of 7.5 lakh accounts. This also signifies the leading role played by you and your team in exceeding the target.

3.  Some of the Circles have performed exceptionally well. ln terms of absolute numbers, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Karnataka, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu Circles opened more than 70,000 accounts. Circles such as Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh contributed more than 50,000 accounts. Circles such as Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Telangana, ASsam, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, North East, Uttarakhand and Delhi exceeded their target and performed very well. Special mention is needed for Jammu & Kashmir Circle. The Circle despite its own challenges almost reached its target. I am sure even Haryana, Kerala and Odisha Circles will rise to the occasion in coming days.

4. Efforts made by the Department in securing the future of the girl children has been appreciated by none other than the Hon'ble Prime Minister of lndia, Hon'ble Minister of Communications and Hon'ble Minister of State for Communications.

5. Expectation of the Government from the Department is going up day by day. Let us rise to the occasion and keep the momentum going.


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