DARPAN Android App (Mobile App) | Unified DARPAN APP PoC in 50 BOs (Branch Post Offices) of 5 Postal Circles
Subject: POC of different types of devices (mobile/ tablets / ancillaries) and unified DARPAN Android (Mobile) App - regarding.
F No. 13-01/2023-RICT (RB)
(RB Division)
Dated 09.02.2023
This is regarding POC of different types of devices and unified DARPAN App and has reference to RB Division, Dak Bhawan letter of even number dated 16.01.2023.
2. POC is being conducted in 10 BOs each of 5 Circles (Chhattisgarh, North East, Odisha, Rajasthan & Tamil Nadu) and findings of POC will be used for taking decision on the replacement for existing RICT devices.
3. The POC will continue till 24.02.2023. Officers from CEPT/Postal Directorate will be visiting the BOs from 20-22nd February 2023 to monitor the progress of POC.
4. It has been decided that mobile/tablet being used for POC in these 50 BOs shall continue to be operational beyond 24.02.2023 till further orders i.e the transactions in respect of these 50 BOs beyond 24.02.2023 will continue to be done on mobile/tablets used in the POC rather on the handheld devices till further orders.
5. Circles are informed that, DG (Postal Services) will be conducting a VC on 10.02.2023 from 10:30 hrs onward to review the progress made in POC. CEPT Mysuru will make brief presentation during the VC. DPS (HQ) of 5 Circles are requested to make it convenient to attend the said VC and give their inputs/feedback on the POC.
6. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
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