CEPT Roles and Responsibilities - IPPB Tracks under Post Office (DOP) IT Modernization Project 2.0 (2022) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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CEPT Roles and Responsibilities - IPPB Tracks under Post Office (DOP) IT Modernization Project 2.0 (2022)

No. Tgy-48/6/2022-Technology-DOP Part (1)

(Technology Division)

Dated: 03.01.2023

Office Memorandum

Subject: Role & Responsibilities of CEPT - IPPB Tracks under IT 2.0

Ref.  1: Solution Delivery and Governance Framework (SDGF) under IT 2.0

Ref.  2: Technology Dn. OM No. Tgy-48/6/2022 -Technology-DOP dt. 9.6.2022, the role of CEPT under DOP IT Modernization Project 2.0

Ref. 3: Technology Dn. OM No. Tgy-06/8/2022-Technology-DOP dt. 14.9.2022 regarding Centre of Excellence in Postal Technology (CEPT): Distribution of Workreg.

Ref. 4: FS Dn. letter No. 25-11/2019-FS-CBS dt. 17/18.11.2022 regarding defining the role of CEPT under the IT 2.0 project

Ref. 5: CEPT Bengaluru letter No. CEPT-BG,/6M,/Misc/FS/5 dt. 29.11.2022 regarding defining the role of CEPT under the IT 2.0 project and CEPT Bangaluru letter No. CEPT-7/Misc/Dlgs dt. 20.12.2022 regarding clarification on observations/parameters to be monitored/provided by CEPT on FSI/NI/DCF Projects for SLA Calculations by Dte.

DDG FS had recommended the roles and responsibilities of CEPT and further requested for defining the role of CEPT under the IT 2.0 project. GM CEPT was requested to give comments on the proposed roles. Earlier, the roles and responsibilities of the CEPT was issued vide OM No. Tgy-48/6/2022 -Technology-DOP dt. 9.6.2022.

2. In reference to the clarifications sought, the roles and responsibilities of CEPT in terms of IPPB tracks will be as under:

i. New Application Development: As defined in SDGF, CEPT shall work in close tandem with PMC in documenting user requirement finalization, scope of work, SLA, roles and responsibilities, timelines, deliverables, and corresponding fund release modalities for IPPB tracks. Similarly, CEPT shall finalize the SRS including use cases and shall be responsible for the user acceptance testing, pilot/deployment testing/POC/POT/Rollout/SOP. Ensure compliance requirements of audit, security, testing, performance and SLAs are met before the rollout. CEPT shall undertake the application development of One UI, One MI and One AI custom tracks and ensure integration with IPPB-managed solutions.

ii. Application Production Support, Infra & Environment Support: CEPT shall set up a mechanism for collecting, collating and transmitting various application /infra level issues/requirements from the DoP field locations/ PMCs to the nodal person in IPPB. All new requirements and changes to existing software and solution will be documented by CEPT, the feasibility of its implementation confirmed and thereafter sent to PMC for consideration.

iii. Stakeholder Coordination: CEPT shall have the complete responsibility to undertake coordination between the IPPB Technical team, vendors, development/ O&M team, field level, and PMCs of different applications. All integration issues and integration projects shall be handled at the level of CEPT and CEPT shall ensure that the Solution Architecture breaches do not happen without approval from Technology Division.

iv. O&M Support: IPPB shall undertake corrective or reactive maintenance of all IPPB track applications. In due course, the O&M Manual for each track handled by IPPB shall be prepared by IPPB and after getting it vetted from PMC and Technology Division, shall be made operational by CEPT. All user software training shall be done by CEPT on behalf of PMCs. The IPPB shall ensure delivery of Train the Trainer program through its application/solution vendors are imparted to CEPT.

V. Cyber Security: All proactive and reactive cyber security events/incidents shall be handled by CEPT and reported to the concerned vendors / cyber security team. CEPT shall ensure enforcement of CCMP, ISMP and NDA. CEPT will be the in-charge of the NOC and SOC.

Vi. Service Monitoring: On the basis of the Agreement between DoP and IPPB or as specified, CEPT shall undertake both ongoing and quarterly assessments of SLA parameters for IPPB tracks. The detailed inputs (hardware, software, services, field level assessment, and all other parameters required for efficient working of the solution) shall be provided by CEPT to Project Management Committees in the performance report and also as and when demanded. Performance report to PMC which shall include SLA monitoring report, timelines, deliverables, milestones performance and advice PMC on remedial measures to be taken for correction / SLA enforcements

vii. Transition Contract (NI/DCF): As both transition contracts are based on IT 1.0, the SLA monitoring reports shall continue to be managed by CEPT AS-IS and would give the recommendations to PMC concerned.

viii. Ticket Management: L1 tickets will continue to be handled at the level of CSI however, L2 and L3 level support for IPPB tracks shall be set up by IPPB and establish the linkages & escalation mechanism from L1 to L3. CEPT shall establish a monitoring mechanism as part of SLA monitoring and give frequent reports on its assessment or as desired on overall ticketing health.

ix. Miscellaneous: Patch deployment shall be the responsibility of the application vendors and shall be handled by IPPB. CEPT shall facilitate administrative communications, downtime management, DR management, and integration support during the patch deployment. Parametrizations and front-end CBS maintenance activities like the creation of office accounts, GLs, menu restrictions etc shall be undertaken by the IPPB team, CEPT shall raise the requests and ensure successful deployment.

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